#CYBERPUNK 2077 đŸ’»

like we have to get all excited about being able to hear super spatialized raindrops but utilizing presets to handle a person’s gender expression is Too Much, apparently


AAA is terrified of a review bomb from bigots fucking with their metacritic score.


yeah I know you ordered a sandwich but throwing all the ingredients uncut onto a plate at random was just the easiest way to do it. Running a restaurant is hard, ok. What, do you not know how to cut ham yourself?

it’s not just game dev, i’ve seriously had a client who refused to add more than 2 genders to their system and update things to not consider a family 1 man + 1 woman + 1-4 kids because it would be Too Hard

tech is rife with outright bigots but for every nazi there’s 10 worthless coward centrists who’ve let capitalism replace their sense of empathy and care with a fucking excel spreadsheet. capitalism is poison to the heart and mind


Yeah, to be clear, it’s absolutely worthwhile work, it’s just something that might actually have a fifteen-month runway to be implemented.

And I don’t want to defend them but it’s worth keeping in mind how much US culture has changed in the last four years around this and how little they seem to understand basics about the US like, as noted, the way to write any reasonable non-white LA characters.

wtf i am legally required to love this now


Regarding the cultural gap between the US and europe it’s probably also worth noting native language plays a role in shaping the approach to these things like you wouldn’t believe.

For example, in french (and a quick lookup suggests polish works the same) we don’t have the “they” pronoun option for a singular person (closest we have is an “it” but it is strictly used for abstract objects so no one wants to be called an it, obviously) and for that matter the plural “they” is gendered so that means we just don’t have a spoken or written equivalent and the very notion of a gender-neutral personal pronoun won’t pop in my mind unless I’m specifically reminded of it by a non-binary they/them mention in someone’s english writing.

So the thing here is it’s not just a LGBTQ+ thing, it’s an english LGBTQ+ thing and Cyberpunk is a game designed and written in polish, merely localized to english by a different team. That means the whole thing’s been hardwired for two pronouns (well, not even that, for two voices from the sound of it) from the beginning so it’s way too late to change without sizeably overhauling the code.


yes and no.

You’re right: language does have an impact on how easy it is to convey gender beyond the binary. Spanish, to speak to the example I actually work with, not only presupposes binary biological gender, it also works it into the language in the form of a binary grammatical gender, which means that stuff like vidcons or music or hammers have gender, and that large parts of the grammatical structure are set to make use of that gender–articles, most adjectives, and pronouns all must match the gender (and number) of what it is you’re talking about. A phrase like “The angry beautiful rich enby was tired.” has precisely two words one word that would not be gendered in Spanish, along what would be, on paper, a binary divide.

That said, there are three things to consider here to consider. One, Spanish-speaking grammarians non-binary people, and others, have been working at this issue for a while: no normative resolutions have come forward, but there have been quite a few nonnormative ones, and some more-or-less-widely used ones as well, (Latinx). Two, translators have been dealing with stuff like this–think of all the various pronouns in Japanese, tied to things like respect, which don’t have obvious English equivalents–for centuries. It’s a complication; it’s not a new or insurmountable one. Three, all of this difficulty is largely one-sided: all of this means is that–with a few really interesting exceptions–translating nonbinary concepts from English into a binary language like Spanish is much harder than what Cyberpunk 2077 is doing, which is translating all of that into English. That part is actually eminently doable, and if they can’t find someone to do it, it’s most likely because they don’t care.


Oh yeah, I’m convinced they don’t care in the least. But that’s the thing I’m saying though, I’m not arguing the language thing is making it hard to translate the game, I’m saying it creates the blind spot that, among other things, makes them not care because the notion didn’t make it all the way to them.

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dragons dogma does this for some of the other voice options but in effect it just puts your characters voice on a spectrum of chipmunk to voice sample in a vaporwave track


y’all it ain’t language limitations? cdpr had a social media guy tweeting shitty anti-trans memes a few months ago & another preview for this depicted a woman with a comically oversized dick bulge advertising an energy drink called “MANticore”.

they’re doing this on purpose because they’re reactionaries & regard trans folks as a joke at best


And that shit was a year ago at E3. They had a dozen interviews in which the artist who drew the MANticore gave a fucken spinal tap “what’s wrong with being sexy?” line and at least Kotaku and Vice ran stories about how much it sucks.

If they wanted to course correct, they could have.

Different games, different scale, sure, but they know.


AFAIK Watch Dogs Legion has it to be able to accomodate the high number of player characters, supposedly there’s only like half a dozen voice sets that work as archetypes and whichever you get then has its pitch adjusted (also regarding something that was mentioned earlier this doesn’t have to mess with lipsync, these days the algorithm to change pitch without affecting speed should be well within reach for realtime use and the chipmunk effect shouldn’t be too noticeable as long as you stay within certain ranges).

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ableton live can v easily pitch shift vocals and keep timing, it shouldn’t really be an issue for games


AI-generated voice-recasting is something coming within five years and something we assume EA and Ubisoft are working on; pitch-shifting is considered appropriate for exertions but not for spoken dialogue.

As always, absurd fidelity bars are the killer.

An example: when Assassin’s Creed: Unity was pilloried for not supporting female characters and gave the excuse, ‘it’s really hard’, Monolith responded with a female skin for Shadow of Morderin a few weeks – simple, it just played all the male Talion animations. But they were able to do that as a cheaper, scrappier game. When building the sequel, directors and artists made very clear that we would not be allowed to do that again. Instead, we would build a new set of animations replicating every Talion animation for our female skin. It cost close to a million dollars and shipped months after the game. The takeaway to those who control the budget? Fidelity bars will keep rising so we’ll just need to add this as an expense and start working on it earlier.

Fidelity is destructive to creative and flexible works.


as far as genders in localized languages go, on the project I last worked on we had the entire thing recorded and released in english before we did any localization, so this was supposedly the “difficult” scenario where we didn’t plan for it, and all we ended up doing was asking our localization team to just translate the lines so that if a line had pronouns in it, it wouldn’t in the localized language. this isn’t ideal, obviously, but it turns out that the amount of times you actually need to use pronouns in a larger game isn’t as big as you would think

they ended up translating the whole game into like six languages without using pronouns and it was fine? and it’s not great, again, but we weren’t a studio with a ton of money when we did this and it was fine, I would imagine a much larger company with way more resources could handle this better. a lot of these “difficulties” are self imposed and it’s frustrating because the bar for all of this is so low culturally but, as @BustedAstromech says, the bar for fidelity is absurdly high

especially considering most people are playing fortnite or roblox or minecraft or something like that


How much work is a character creator generally?

I think a nice one is a relatively high return for time for some players, but I have no idea what work it entails. Destiny has had the same one since 2014 so it can’t be totally trivial.

is the bar really that high tho? like who is actually complaining when a woman player character’s animations aren’t stereotypically feminine other than like, weird tradcaths on twitter

like dragon’s dogma handles this with an “intimidating — demure” slider that affects your character’s idle stance and animations, which is really what folks are talking about when they talk about “male” vs. “female” animations. it’s just an imposition of gender stereotypes (men are strong, forward, & aggressive, women are reserved, fey & passive) on a particular body type.

these are limitations of thinking not of technology imo


so having the ableton live model of pitch shifting is great when working on recorded stuff but it’s a lot tougher in real time when you don’t actually know what pitch the player will prefer their voice at until they make that selection. and outside of doing some big VO re-bouncing at the preferred pitch after they make that selection, there isn’t really a way to not do it in real time

that said, I doubt it would be expensive enough to not do? the main issue is asking the other teams to give audio a bigger CPU budget but at this point no one cares about audio enough to allow them to do more with more, most of the audio innovations in the last few years involve performance efficiency increases so we can do more with less (ambisonics, real time HRTF calculations, etc.)

this is exactly what I mean when I say that these difficulties are mostly self imposed - no one actually notices and the people who would both a. notice and b. decide to write a bad review about the game because a few of these are happening are people you don’t want playing your game anyway

at some point the industry internalized an obsession with fidelity because reviewers and audiences were always responding to how “good” games looked, but like, no one is even paying attention to things that closely anymore