#CYBERPUNK 2077 đŸ’»

just reached for my coffee on my wife’s crochet pattern next to me on this sectional and


no this is bothering me too, not even just the overtly racist stuff but also the talkin was just real dull as hell

i admit i only skipped through a bit

they also picked the absolute least interesting thing to show as part of their demo, but it was cool because it did make the game seem like they really put a lot of thought into it and that it isn’t gonna be just shooting dudes punctuated with some generic hacking minigame

honestly I think “1 vagina option” is a very durable meme

slam that pear tree into your partridge,


how many hours into the witcher 3 do I have to play before I get to the good dialogue


This has all (?) of the b-roll footage they showed bits and pieces of during the presentation.

love how CDPR was like “don’t worry body doesn’t determine your gender!” but then made a binary voice pitch toggle determine your gender


They were on fucking notice, too

The same year we get they in Animal Crossing this feels like a deliberate snub


saints row somehow managed to avoid this pitfall over a decade ago


How hard is it to just let you choose a pronoun in your character status menu? Like, that’s the part I really don’t get: why is gender mandated at character creation? I should be able to change genders whenever I fuckin want in a game called Cyberpunk


It’s a significant amount of work at the scope of their game

It’s worth it! and everyone’s on board. But in AAA voice-acting land we had to account for it right away and keep updating cost estimates

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right but they already put the work in to record lines for two genders where you choose an option at the start of the game. Why can’t they just let me swap between those two line readings whenever I please?

ah, updating post-character creation

That’s a good idea, it might have big content ramifications (if there are NPC reactions or relationships that are gender-aware)

I feel like we are at a level of technology where it should be possible to just record a couple of baseline audio options but then let you customize your voice further with subtle pitch shifters and stuff right?

has any game ever tried that

i love how any time i suggest “hey we shouldn’t just have gender as a goddamn boolean flag in our database” on a work project i always get some variant of “acknowledging your existence isn’t cost effective”. feels great


I think I’ve seen this before but I can’t bring to mind what game I am thinking of

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Practically every MMO from the last like 15 years but I think Sunset Overdrive also did this? Or something?

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look if everyone is going to freak out over how they recorded two takes of spider-man for when he’s breathing heavy and when he’s not the last thing i want to hear is how it’s tough to do so for gender

i’m the person who has to wrangle all that and i don’t care


Ever notice how game dev is the only job that gets to get away with “but it’s haaaaard”

Yeah I know you hired me to paint your house but those bushes were too close so I just painted around them. Painting is hard, you just don’t get it

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and yes it actually is possible to do the pitch shifting thing on a bunch of different line deliveries, the only issue would be animations getting out of sync if you get too far away from the original delivery

like even if you didn’t plan it out in advance even fmod has preset fx and parameter automation that you can just drop on events and you can just set up a global parameter to track it

none of this is actually as hard as people say it is, it’s just that AAA is afraid of people being mad at them because the animation isn’t frame perfect with the VO