The world is broken. MegaCorps manage every aspect of life from the top floors of their sky-scraping fortresses. Down below, the streets are run by drug pushing gangs, tech hustlers, and illegal braindance slingers. The in-between is where decadence, sex and pop culture mix with violent crime, extreme poverty and the unattainable promise of the American Dream.
You are V, a cyberpunk. In a world of cyberenhanced street warriors, tech-savvy netrunners and corporate life-hackers, today is your first step to becoming an urban legend.
Wow that sound file rules pretty hard. I didn’t think they’d go all out for the music like that (assuming that’s in the game?) but good on them. I could get to videogamin to that
I like that they made this an FPS. And an immersive sim at that. Deus Ex still doing god’s work after all these years. After this E3 I’m definitely excited for it
quoting myself from twitter about one of my fav setting details from Cyberpunk 2020
the best campaign setups I ever heard for tabletop cyberpunk 2020 games is all the players as members of a trauma team, rescuing people from jobs gone wrong. like some kind of mashup of bubblegum crisis and black jack
hoping there’s at least one quest where you can go on a ride along with a trauma team
this game actually seems, uhh, pretty generic based on the HIDDEN SUPER SPECIAL DEMO section people got to watch. which I guess is par for the course for something named after its genre?
then again the witcher is super generic too, I suppose its thing is supposed to be that it’s just better than the other games that are also the witcher.