Catching Up with PS4

This made me furious.

yeah it sucks given that there were so many good passive multiplayer titles on PS3 (well, really just souls and journey but still, there goes that precedent).

imo burn your two week plus trial on it

or just get a year’s subscription cuz it’s kinda worth it! I got my money’s worth in the first month

You can often get a year’s Playstation Plus membership for at least 10 USD less than normal by buying a card from eBay. That’s what I did when I gave in so that I could play Dark Souls 3 and Bloodborne online. I’ve bought enough games at the Plus discount over the course of the year so far to justify the cost of membership in my case.

I’m sure ps+ is worth it for a lot of people, but I’m equally sure it is not worth it for me

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i almost splurged on a ps4 yesterday because got dam i wanna play that bb and ffxv and tlg but in the eleventh hour i recalled that i couldn’t even just buy the console (which comes with a copy of uncharted 4 that i don’t want and probably won’t play, no less) but would also need to pay a monthly fee just to see got dam messages on the ground in bb (or w/e it is in that game) and nope nope nope nope

fuck consoles

not spending money is great, but fwiw i played bb totally offline and still found it to be one of the greatest games … O F A L L T I M E

i might be missing something cool without it, but it is still an amazing game if you like goo, guts, and … moons?

i mean, sure - why in the fuck would i be spending $350 just to still not be getting the intended experience tho


find a cheaper one on craigslist… get BB… 1 year PS+ subscription… that’s probably 350 or 400 at most right there, plus you get a bunch of other games free with PS+. sell Uncharted 4. it ain’t no thing really

For some reason I got a notification on my PS4 that $10 was added to my psn wallet. I don’t know exactly what the promo was. Well I spent it on Wipeout HD on my PS3 for 7.99. I had the demo of the game for the longest time. Finally got the full game

good choice!!

come on, expand the videoball player base!

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y’all still play on the reg?

yep, every other day-ish

also get galak-z if you haven’t played it. I feel like its reputation isn’t quite as good as it deserves because the roguelike structure doesn’t really come together and you’re likely to be sick of it by the time you put it down, but it’s a lot of fun and the fundamentals are very solid.

Hi here is a deal on a PS4 today. it comes with a year of PS+

There are good deals year round you just have to look out for them.