Catching Up with PS4

I think what you mean is, Limbo had much crappier “puzzles”.

I don’t think Inside’s core conceit of “here are some quasi-puzzles just interesting enough to keep the game moving along” is actually any good, even if the overall direction is much stronger than Limbo, but I don’t think Limbo’s slightly more difficult “puzzles” were better either.

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Both games were equally not that great then? I can live with that.

No, Inside was way better. That’s the Official SB Opinion according to me, nobody in particular.

yeah, I’d agree that Inside is much better by virtue of its direction, but I still think the core gameplay concept is a baaaaad crutch

it’s hard to tell a thematic story when a little boy dies repeatedly because you didn’t understand some arbitrary block-pushing setpiece that’s there for no reason. it’s almost a parody of bad puzzle platformer design.

I bet you could fool somebody into thinking they were playing Inside by putting a game play video on and giving them a controller. The puzzles are so straight forward and linear, can they be considered puzzles?

My wife and I solved the puzzles together. She really liked it. I suppose it’s true that my wife, an actual Medical Doctor, is an idiot who is pleased by mind numbingly simple tasks.


Inside is going to be Plus or super cheap within the year.

Inside is not a game that tests IQ. It’s a fine casual game. Your wife’s occupation has nothing to do with how much she enjoyed playing it.

now if your wife can’t do this on the other hand

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the 1 game my wife held onto from her PSX collection

I think she bought a PSX for this game alone

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Yes. Exactly.

But the puzzles are too simple

Did you know that the soundtrack for Inside was transmitted through a human skull?

I would recommend that anyone thinking of playing it not research the game too much. Some things in it are better as surprises.

For whom?

the general audience

I wouldn’t be surprised to see it in a sale with a PS+ discount that brings it into the $7-8 range by the end of next year. I doubt it’ll be a PS+ game though as it had an early XBone exclusive period and those in my recollection have not generally ended up being PS+ selections without being some sort of remastering or deluxe edition.

Who dat

wait a minute no one told me you need ps+ to play bloodborne online what is this shit

the days we have made