Catching Up with PS4

for the record I have so far bought and installed these PS4 games:

Hyper Light Drifter
The Witness

I think I am set for a while!!


I did this thing too, got uncharted 4 (cos either that or nhl something something were free and I donā€™t even know what a hockey is) and blood borne cos it was cheap

No rot3k yet bc Iā€™m waiting for the dead of winter and hopefully one more price drop

Add me on PlayStation battlenet or whatever the hell it is called to explain to me what it is for, also this gen gaming in general bc I donā€™t get it at all

My name is peach_kid bc all the good names were taken. Iā€™m a little ꔃå¤Ŗ郎 qtbb

Uncharted is ok, it feels a bit like Indiana jones: the ride: the video game: off brand knockoff edition, and Iā€™m fine with that. The game seems easy af but Iā€™m still bad at it so I feel like I have to learn 2 b good on a ps controller again before I even attempt bloodborne

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Bloodborne isnā€™t so bad itā€™s just whether you choose to use the lock-on or not be ready to get comfortable with dodge-rolling. If thatā€™s already how you play a Souls game then youā€™re basically ready for BB.

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bb is so good oh my god

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I, too, just finally got a PS4 (slim, do not laugh, there are reasons). Iā€™ve been playing mostly Bloodborne, but also God Eater (I need that MH-like, and got sick of playing on PSTV - luckily my saved game transferred right over). Iā€™m not an xbox fella so I am playing Dead Rising 1 for the first time, too. Also, the DQ Builders demo is awesome! Try it maybe.

what i like about bb lock-on is that there are situations where itā€™s actually better not to use it. I used it 100% of the time in Dark Souls 1 and 2.

bb is the game where i learned how to play without lock on, and now i play without it most of the time! thatā€™s my bloodborne story (i still need to finish the chalice dungeons, ugh).

bb and demonā€™s are the coolest souls games. their scope is nice and tight and they seem to have the freshest ideas, both in their worlds and in mechanics.


I picked up a PS4 on black Friday. It came with uncharted 4 and I bought Dragon Quest Builders. I pre-ordered The Last Guardian on Amazon already because you save some money with Prime. Any PS Store recomendations?

90% of the bosses in ds2 are significantly easier when not locking on! the dlc bosses in particularly will effortlessly track you when locked on but whiff when no-locking

Until Dawn is a good take on the Telltale movie-game. Itā€™s a worthwhile Redbox rental or sub-$10 purchase.

Bloodborne is the PS4 game if you liked an iota of Dark Souls.

Is this your first machine in this generation of consoles? Most recommendations beyond those two are not exclusive.

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Yup, this is my first and probably only console of this generation.

Hmm what kind of games do you like? The Witcher 3 is my go-to game that ā€œfeelsā€ ā€œnext-genā€ because itā€™s staggering in terms of volume and bespoke quality, but not necessarily a universal recommendation because itā€™s maybe literally a hundred hours long and an RPG.

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hitman hitman hitman

you just missed a huge sale though just getting the first levels is still really cheap and well worth it

also: the witness, just cause 3, furi

I also got a PS4 but itā€™s looking pretty much like itā€™s gonna be for bloodborne and last guardian, then sit on a shelf until persona 5. which isnā€™t the worst thing, I guess. Iā€™ll probably get rez out of a sense of obligation.

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I am still plugging away at The Witness and I am loving it.

Hyper Light Drifter is definitely worth getting as well

I have the witness on my computer, and I like it more in theory than I do actually playing it.

Invisible Inc. is apparently one of the PS+ games for December, SB is a fan of that game I believe.

it is one of the only turn based strategy games of recent years to go for tight rather than maximalist and it absolutely nails it, solves a few longstanding problems with the genre too. I wouldnā€™t necessarily play it on console (itā€™s going to do fine on almost any computer) but itā€™s a much more significant achievement than new-xcom and all around great.

the expansion makes it just a tiny bit more maximalist and it doesnā€™t suffer for it, I assume thatā€™s packed in to the playstation release

Iā€™m glad that they ported Inside to PS4. Itā€™s creative and surprising.

I got the new Doom game cheap last week, but I probably wonā€™t get around to trying it for a while since The Last Guardian is finally coming out and Iā€™m still working through Just Cause 3. Just when it had started to feel a little repetitive (though never boring) I stumbled upon the mech segment.

Iā€™m looking for some simple couch co op /versus PS4 games to play with a SO. I already know about Towerfall + Nidhogg.

Overcooked also looks lovely. Is there anything else?

I played Helldivers for like 30 hours with my last roomate, it was super awesome but its control scheme is honestly too complicated for non-nerds. Same thing with Spelunky

I tried Witcher 3 on PC and it didnt quite grab me. I may give it another shot later sometime.

I thought the game pretty much played itself. Limbo had much more difficult puzzles. Inside is interesting in setting and atmosphere only.