The first half of MGSV is a totally amazing AAA game in its own right, well worth $60. Let’s forget the second half exists.
Uncharted 4 is probably the best a videogame has ever looked, in terms of realistic movie-style art direction and technical shit. If you’re going to spend money on a current-gen console you definitely want at least one amazing-looking game.
Bloodborne, Witcher 3, Just Cause 3, probably the other best AAA games on there for my tastes.
Seconding a bunch of indie recommendations: Strider, Rocket League, Firewatch, Grow Home but also I would add Soft Body, Life Is Strange, Nuclear Throne. If you’re getting a second controller then definitely Towerfall, Push Me Pull You, Nidhogg, --ahem-- Sportsfriends.
I played Knack all the way to the end so you don’t have to.
When do you say the second half of MGSV starts? The Oilfield mission? Because I’d say it still holds up if you ignore the greater plotline (CIPHER, PARASITES, FUCKING HUEY) and cut out of the side missions once they get too repetitive.
EDIT: HM since this is nearly a month ago for content I would second the recommendation for EDF 4.1. Helldivers too if you have the ability to local co-op and/or willing to pay for PS Online.
The second half of MGSV is Chapter 2, which starts with Episode 32. There’s 50 episodes in all though a bunch of them in Chapter 2 are repeats of previous missions but with different objectives.
I finally picked up Assault Android Cactus this week due to the big discount. I was a little put off at first by the art style of the characters, and I had to turn the speaker volume way down on the PS4 controller, but I like twin-stick shooters and this one is a lot of fun. I like the arcade feel of it and the music is nice.
Bloodborne is outstanding, just as I expected it would be. I’ve spent a lot of time with it, and after I beat one last DLC boss I’ve done pretty much everything there is to do in the game, I think.
I played Oxenfree recently as well. It reminded me of Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP and Life Is Strange. A dynamic theme came with the game, and it’s the only PS4 theme I have. It’s a nice one.
PixelJunk Shooter Ultimate is just as fun as the first time I played the two games through on PS3. I wouldn’t mind another game in that series one day.
I still think that No Man’s Sky sounds pretty promising. So do Abzu and Grow Up. And there are several other games that have been mentioned in this thread that I’d like to try eventually.
resurrecting this thread bc i’m probably going to get a ps4 soon to make those long winter nights less dreary, looking for recs on games that are “chill” and “relaxing” and have interesting & cool environments to wander around in
i’m particularly curious about smaller-but-still-ambitious things, such as Firewatch looks really pretty & hyper light drifter also has a style that seems fun. that’s a big range though? i will probably get no man’s sky eventually, but knowing that there is no real multiplayer component has made me relax about trying to get into it before it’s ‘over’, so i’ll probably wait till it’s cheaper
going in blind to look around for ps4 games that aren’t the big AAA whatevers makes me realize that even though i read this forum every damn day I don’t really know anything about contemporary video games T-T
aw c’mon, the campo santo folks are great, even if firewatch is a walking simulator with a narrative I can take or leave it has real nice art direction
ok it is pretty much settled that i’m gonna get one of these bad boys soon
the nail in the coffin was the release of the latest real Rot3K game, none of this Dynasty Warriors nonsense
So in addition to pretty, relaxing things i’ve already committed to just going full-on with that, so get ready for a million word post on that which no one will read. It counts as research.
Bloodborne and MGSV will be quick pickups for me… TLOU Remastered I noticed is only 20 bucks and I never did play that. will read through this thread for more suggestions.