Cartoons (Part 1)


There are so many of these post-Avatar / Adventure time theoretically for kids but not really shows these days, impossible to keep up with

Any way Netflix has a show called Centaurworld that is one of the weirdest things I’ve ever seen

Kinda like adventure time meets the phantom tollbooth with light surreal/body horror elements and a touch of the sort of zanier stuff from earlier eras of cartoon network shows (eg lots of fart and butt jokes)

Also it’s a musical


It is deceptively, superficially similar to the other Netflix show Kipo and the Wonderbeasts. While that show is probably better, Centaurworld is a hundred times weirder. Which makes it good I guess

Also Paul f Tompkins is in so many of these shows, where does he find the time

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I sat through the first episode. I’m not sure how much I’m into the idea of teasing you with a YA fantasy tale to then just take you to cartoon wackyland. The wackyland is fun cartoon antics but still feels like the whole show is gonna be a weird sidequest.

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what else has he got to do? podcasts?

He’s got nothing but time

he’s also very active on twitter

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there’s a netflix cartoon set in the ‘bright’ universe that just came out, and simu liu is one of the main voice actors. the whole thing feels like it has leaked over from some alternate dimension where that movie wasn’t one of the most widely derided flops of the decade, but because of simu liu it also follows weird alternate universe rules where random elements still somehow correspond with what’s going on in our own universe


This is a pretty fun idea. Hollywood executives stumble across a gateway to a parallel reality, but what they use it for is to distribute productions across both realities but split the profits between realities.


there is a twitter account sort of following up this premise, a streaming service of films that only exist in other universes, that has really funny ideas, but the way they use twitter is so irritating (constantly retweeting their own months old tweets, etc) i am always tempted to unfollow

this is my favorite one though, it’s worth it to follow for things like this


Has anyone talked about how DuckTales did a WandaVision episode like a year before that came out


Chalk another one up for the ducks inventing something first, like with Inception and the method for raising sunk ships with ping pong balls


It feels kind of ridiculous to say this now but there’s also an episode about a pool that makes you old


OK I’m freaked out. There’s a two part darkwing duck centered episode about villains showing up from other dimensions like in the new spider man movie trailer


I didn’t love the last few episodes of season 3 of the new ducktales, but I thought the first 2 were totally rock solid

October 29th.


the kiyoshi kobayashi lupin send off was very sweet. i am always sucker for old washed up thieves and assassins sideways confessing their love to each other

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extremely unexpected way for disney to jump back into the anime industry. can’t believe there’s something that feels worse than netflix getting an anime you like, hahaha


and yet they actually have their own anime with their most toyetic princess ever that they disowned



and this show was actually real good