Woah, yeah! I wonder if this thing will be able to handle PS2 roms. I had a ton of fun setting up a Pi 3 and playing games on it a few years ago. I’ll probably snag one of these once retroPi is optimized for it. That official case they’re selling is SLICK. Edit: damn, the case is sold out already!
It’s very far from being able to handle PS2 emulation, and that’s not even taking into account that the only ARM-compatible version of PCSX2 is closed source and Play! is not very usable yet.
The unauthorized Android port of PCSX2, DamonPS2, requires a Snapdragon 835-level chip which is leagues faster the the RPi4 in terms of CPU, not to mention that RPi has ideological reasons for sticking with a GPU that has roughly the capability of a GeForce 1.
The RPi4 is still cool! I use them a lot as cheap media servers in installations, etc.
(If you want a higher-performance single-board computer and don’t care about libre absolutism, check out the ODROID and its peers.)
One of these days I really want to buy one of these and mount it in a homemade arcade cabinet and put every game made before 1996 on it.
I am going to have to live in a place much more permanently and also learn how to make a homemade arcade cabinet.
i came here to post this!
NieR: The Sequel to a spinoff second entry.
But then aren’t you the coward???
I’m the brave one for admitting I need an easy mode sometimes!!
the person who made all those GROW flash games is in a bad way & needing help with heart surgery expenses
woah, i never thought of that!!! i wonder how much it would cost to do that
this reminds me of a story that made me mad a couple years ago. in world of warcraft, there’s a mod called deadly boss mods that you have to use to play the game. that’s not an exaggeration: blizzard designs the game around the mod, and everyone uses it. multiplayer PVE content in this MMO does not function without the mod. it’s designed and maintained by one person, who has a patreon. eventually he made a post saying that he needed surgery to repair an infected jaw. his jaw was infected because he didn’t have the money to fix an abscessed tooth. he was treating the tooth with antibiotics as a work around, but eventually the bacteria became resistant and spread.
players eventually raised money for him to get this surgery, and it was reported around mainstream gaming media as a success story. now, activision blizzard is an international multibillion dollar media conglomerate. their most profitable product is world of warcraft. the majority of the content that anyone gives a shit about in this game is non functional without the mod of this one man, who blizzard counts on to plug holes in their encounter design and allow for complex or difficult mechanics. paying for his surgery would’ve been literally inconsequential for blizzard. it is unfathomable to me that this did not happen, and that no one cared when it didn’t.
44 posts were split to a new topic: ActRaiser SUCKS… or does it???
that is a wonderful choice
150 dollars…
and here 14-year-old me is trapped in my gut still waiting for Myst book #4
“unscripted content”
interpretive dance
The only good possible meaning of “unscripted content” is if they build entire Myst locations and film a game show/reality series in them.
Tie in Myst ages you can play at home???
it’s a groundlings syllabus
Just gimme more Myst games