could be tabletop rpg scenarios, they already released a ttrpg (that isn’t good tbh)
I’m happy Cyan Worlds is still alive because when I left the company twelve years ago it was in pretty dire straits. But they kept the lights on. Good for them.
the real myst was inside us all along
i got to go to cyan worlds and pulled the lever from myst , but with my real hands
also i just stomped in yelling WHERES MANHOLE and i found it, it was great
I grew up down the street; had to pass them to go into town. Applied out of high school because I wanted to work in games. One of my high school friends still works there, actually, and most of the current team was working there when I did. It’s just some dinky building in the woods in Mead, they lease the other building in their lot to a local church. The Millers are very nice.
Some of my real heroes I am so envious
make the gay smut game of your dreams with that pornhub money
47 posts were split to a new topic: Culture shock, creativity and capitalism
I guess Devotion really isn’t coming back.
I loved Diablo on PSX
That video talks a whole lot about FF8, for a video with Diablo in the title.
The importance of the source code for FF8 is really about wouldn’t it be nice if we had all the original assets. The original, high res versions of the backgrounds, higher bitrate video files, etc.
Hell Yeah. Ninja Spirits (Arc) coming to switch.
One hour ago the clock struck midnight in Tokyo and July 4th was signalled in. One hour ago this video was posted:
EDIT: Boy are people going to be mad though when the graphical comparison videos start coming out though if they though get a couple of those effects working. For comparison with one of the cutscene most featured in the trailer (start from 1:05 in the new tailer and 0:45 in this cut scene video):
whats the difference that will make people mad? im not really a graphics person, the bottom just looks blurrier to me
man that looks sharp. I miss the days of graphics which are just a bunch of textures and hardware T&L. I wish someone would make a new game which skipped shader effects and just did a bunch of texturing.
i really wish it didn’t have those experience and money counters so i could still hold out hope of this being good
i’ll probably buy it anyway, but i wish someone could just make a beat em up without this bullshit