Mario 64 is an overachieving tech demo forever etched into the collective unconscious, for better or for worse (***1/2)
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night is the revitalised feeling you have about indoor activities once you know that there’s a fire burning outside
Psychonauts 2 is better than it has any right to be
Berserk and the Band of the Hawk has gameplay
Brut@l, sure
it does!
Life is Strange is White Lodge David Cage
Doom 2016 is Doom: Championship Edition
DOOM (2016) is all downhill from the end of Kadingir Sanctum.
Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow is a harbinger of things to come
Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow is the DS one
Honestly this one is very helpful for me lol
You can patch out the bad parts and play it like a GBA and it is pretty alright.
In comparing Final Fantasies 7 and 9,
7 is a mud puddle and 9 is like a thick pile of moist dirt
Final Fantasy 8 is a crisp glass of chlorinated pool water
ah, the Universal Moistness Scale of Final Fantasy?
Final Fantasy 12 feels like stepping out of the shower in the Rocky Mountains
Final Fantasy V is sitting in a dunk tank, waiting for one lucky shot
I gotta say these have gotten so esoteric I have no idea what they mean.