Bloodstained: being a castlevania fan is a complex relationship

I have nearly 500 Touhou music tracks and I’m still not sure how to pronounce the word because I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone say it.

My introduction was Perfect Cherry Blossom and it’s still a game I’d recommend. The mechanics and music make it worth putting up with the anime characters (though it’s not as if I have any idea what they are saying anyway). This is the music from the first stage:


tbh i thought this particular game series was lost to Rights Disputes as frontier aja imploded after bbbr came out, so i’m happy that it’s finally getting a release (the second game is infinitely better tho)

also touhou is good and anyone who says otherwise is boring and wrong

(it’s literally just pronounced toe-hoe)


perfect cherry blossom is also my only exposure to touhou. maybe imperishable night? there’s a touhou fighting game that has pretty dedicated community support, but I’ve never played it.

AFAIK there are barely any Touhou characters that are actually schoolgirls. They’re all like priestesses or witches or yokai or clowns or other sorts of weirdos. Big difference.


i still don’t really understand what it is


it’s a series of bullet hell shmups made by a single japanese man who does the graphics, programming, sounds, music, everything.

the shmups feature anime girls flying around and shooting each other and people like the anime girls and make a bunch of fanart and spinoff games about them.


Actually this answer is pretty helpful for once, thanks silly Google Q&A section

I get the impression the atmosphere around IP law in Japan is especially stifling and at the same time the fanfic/fanart community is bigger than in the US. So a lot of doujins are poised in this tense balancing act of sharing their fanart but not so widely that it gets crushed by the IP owner.

Touhou is a refreshing zone of fan freedom and empowerment: a flexible universe that everyone has permission to participate in extending the canon


Reimu is Mario, Marisa is Luigi, and Gensokyo is the Mushroom Kingdom


This is what I thought from secondhand experiencing all the fan material, but then someone shattered that by telling me Reimu and Marisa haven’t seen each other in like 10 games???


actually when i checked out the series i played all the pc-98 ones then got to the windows ones with midi piano music instead of chiptune and was like nah, i can’t do this, the vibe’s gone

Mystic Square has a damn solid soundtrack


Wait… Marisa is a thief, right?

That means she’s Wario.

I’ve been lied to.

I don’t know that much about touhou but that rad record of lodoss war game is touhou adjacent… the same studio also made a very good castleroid like game that’s a touhou fangame in the same engine. it’s called touhou lunar nights and honestly I think it’s a more interesting game than deedlit.

and though it’s full of moe blobs in maid outfits or whatever nothing about it really struck me as pervy. I just think that there actually are people who love the aesthetic without wanting to fuck any of the OCs. seems crazy I know.


This is me like once a year. Then I’m back to hating it again


i’m gonna be a stick in the mud and say that i don’t get making something in the vein of Simon’s Quest but adding air dashing and a double jump


I’m always down for more Castlevania, whether official or fanmade

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idk it looks cool. the vibe seems to land somewhere between rondo and super. I’m into that.

I think order of Ecclesia showed that meaningful challenges can be constructed around an agile move set so I’m optimistic this can do the same. Are the creators prior games any good?

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Oh Aggelos is their brother’s game interesting. Been half staring at that Wonderboy clone for years.

I meant to play this…maybe I will play it!!!

Not buying new games gives time to play these fan games!! (He says expecting a package today.)

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I appreciate that stance if only because 2022 is the year that I’m starting to get more mileage out of fangames and stuff in my backlog rather than anything I’ve bought. I love castlevania so seeing a non-iga/kcet stab at the Demon Castle seems too alluring to pass up.