Bloodstained: being a castlevania fan is a complex relationship

I’d take some buzz on itch over some post takedown notice press any day.

This looks competent. If it was called anything else and fudged the character names a bit, it would get just as much interest if it got posted on a CV forum—there’s years of games like that. If anything it’s off putting that they feel like they need to lean on the name.


Last time someone spun off their vampire franchise fan fiction project, we got 50 Shades of Black! These devs need to get with the program!


Now that I’m thinking games and copyright and cooler ways to violate it…

Is Shut Up and Jam Gaiden the Paul’s Boutique of video games?

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I’m reminded of how Tom Happ posted threads about Axiom Verge on a ton of different videogame forums around 2013 (for Metroid fansites and otherwise).

and that one guy on Twitter now working the Transylvania Adventure of Simon Quest or whatever it’s called.

both those fellows seem to be doing pretty well for themselves


and there’s also freedom planet (sonic), pocket rumble (handheld snk fighters) and a bunch of smash-likes on steam that all seem to at least be moderately popular


Exactly, individual games blossom into whole genres all the time.

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such a squandering to work inside a mega-IP when nobody’s forcing you to


I can understand because it’s hard to work up the motivation to work on an original thing vs making a fanwork!

Plus once they have the knowhow from making their fangame, then they can spin off and make an original game + with the reputation they made from finishing the fangame.

All depends on if they can finish though.

My thoughts on the trailer are: they should cut that opening down like 3/4th because even as a Castlevania fan, I didn’t care lol

Stick that stuff into a manual or FAQ, get to the gameplay already


Freedom Planet Syndrome

definitely this. like, i love castlevania, julius belmont is a great character, and everyone wants to play a 1999 julius blemont final war game.

but you can tell us that without expecting us to climb text mountain


Big terrible jump.


Looking at the original graphics compared to the release trailer makes me kind of bittersweet. There’s nothing wrong with the nes classicvania aesthetic and it looks well executed in the trailer, its just that we already have so much of it with Curse of the Moon 1 and 2. Since Bloodstained has fully embraced 3D models we don’t really have an indie champion for ‘kind of 16/32 bit’ castlevania. Still though, major props to the team for finally releasing it. I hope its a springboard for future success!



I have no idea what the hell is going on in this trailer but I get a sense this is for people who drool over cartoon characters.

how do you exist as a videogame playing person on the internet and not know about touhou?


Very carefully!


honestly what’s notable about touhou is how relatively unpervy it is, all said. (relatively being a keyword)


literally every time I’ve encountered it I’ve taken it as a keyword for “weird schoolgirl stuff, stay away”


Oh what, I never thought that Castlevania-style doujin game would get an official release. I missed out on playing it at the time (was it like 10 years ago?), so maybe I’ll play on Switch :thinking:


i used to think touhou was a kind of food, or something. it sounds like an uncountable plural