wasn’t aria of sorrow deliberately given that faded out look to make it more viewable on the non backlit gba screen? it seemed like a deliberate reaction to how muddy circle of the moon looked on the original hardware.
Harmony is the one that went full saturation, Aria came out in a post GBA SP world so they toned it down, though still generally brighter than Circle.
Going from these shots it’s kind of hit and miss per element for me. Some of it looks nice, but not feeling the spots where they flat out change colors rather than simply darkening them, the water in the second shot looks damn near invisible, and the last shot the enemies blend in more than they should.
I remember all the reviews praising the bright backlighting on the GBA SP, but that was by early 2000s standards. I pulled an SP out of a drawer recently and even comparing to non-OLED screens like the first-gen Switch, it looked dim and washed-out.
I believe the SP isn’t even backlit, but uses side lighting. it looks ass by today’s standards, though I believe there is a revision with true backlighting that is supposed to look pretty good. still, it was a lot more practical to play gba games on that thing than the original gba!
Exactly right, I spent a few weeks watching SP’s come in at GameStop to swap mine with one of the nicer backlit screens.
Fine I’ll try this hack cowards!!
still a huge fan of Final Fantasy Tactics Advance’s solution to the GBA LCD problem, which was to include three full palette swaps for LCDs with and without lighting and a TV option for the Game Boy Player
yeah even the original ds a year later was an enormous improvement
I don’t know what this is but Miriam is in there
Looks like Ehergiz…
HBD to the best castlevania game.
how does fm synthesis sound like hot garbage in anyone’s hands but this man tho
let me tell you about loser kashiwagi and noriyuki iwadare m8
how to put this… it looks a lot more shovel knight-esque in a bad way than bloodstained did (seriously play the inti creates bloodstained)
I honestly believed this was a surprise konami announcement for a few minutes.
idk this doesn’t look nearly as polished as shovel knight (or curse of the moon) that’s a good thing imo.
forever just wondering why not just make your own castlevania-like instead of an actual fan-game though.
Seems like it’s an 8bit demake of their larger-scoped full-color fangame Umbra of Sorrow, after they realized it is unfinishable.
Fan games never make sense to me since it’s so easy and much much safer to just do something in the style of a series instead. This is especially true in the case of Castlevania where narrative and continuity are out the window from installment to installment.
because nobody pays attention to games with original IPs “in the style of” other things, unless they have a massive marketing budget.