Blade Runner

So, one of my roommate has never seen Blade Runner, and I’m considering buying the new 4k HDR rerelease and watching it with him. Has anyone watched it with HDR?? I’ve actually never watched an HDR film at all, but my friend has a tv that does it, so I’m considering asking if we can watch it at his place. But, given how much the film relies on a very specific aesthetic, I’m worried HDR will actually detract… any opinions??

I did see the new 4k remaster in a screening a few weeks ago and it looked incredible.


I finally watched blade runner

what the fuck this movie is so good select button. I’m sure yall are surprised to learn this, but I’ve always been here to lay down what’s important


Your inveterate iconoclasm fucks you once again, young nedge. When will you learn


wait until he tries pizza


exactly how big of a dork do you have to be to suggest that the only possible reason someone could have for not having seen a science fiction film released when they were negative one years old is a highly cultivated, decades-long deliberate resistance to the sweet filmic culture-juice that apparently pervades the ether of our very existence

maybe…maybe we were the replicants all along…

I think I saw Blade Runner for the first time when I was about 15 because the title sounded pretty sweet and I had an indulgent older sister with a Blockbuster card

oh and there was a reference to it somewhere in Marathon??


I watched blade runner when I was 11 because I played the blade runner video game and wanted to see the movie it was based on.

I read the PKD book first and saw the movie when I was like 18 and liked it though it was very… different. Also, I had a toy car of one of the cars in the movie as a kid and knew where it was from even if I had no idea what the movie was.

I saw Blade Runner during the summer after the end of my freshman year at college. A girl I was friends with was back in town and we went to a blockbuster to try and find a movie to check out. I chose Blade Runner and she chose 2001: A Space Odyssey so we ended up flipping a coin for it. Blade Runner won. Still haven’t seen 2001.

It is true that I seriously meant to suggest that you never watched Blade Runner out of refined hipster spite and not that I was making a lighthearted joke based on your cultivated sb personality.

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yeah I know

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I’m not the only one who watched Blade Runner cuz of Snatcher right.

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damn people are saying this is good so now i may not be able to title my review Blade Ruiner

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years before I ever saw it in the days before ubiquitous internet I drew what I thought a “blade runner” looked like

it was a dude who was running and had blades on his arms and legs

I wasn’t a very imaginative kid

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yet still leagues above most people in comics

The fact that nothing in the movie ever even attempts to explain why they are called blade runners is the best and worst thing about it

It’s like the Apple Jacks of stylish dystopian sci fi


They’re called blade runners because one of the writers/producers wanted a new title so he stole an unrelated one from Burroughs that sounded cool.

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Blade Luger

Aren’t they just called Runners? Which makes the title even more inexplicabl(y good)

My favorite thing about Blade Runner is, a few years back I was discussing the movie with some friends, and my best friend Brian overhears. He hasnt’ seen the movie (maybe still hasn’t, lol), but I’d imagine he had absorbed at least some of it via pop culture osmosis. So he goes

“What happens at the end of Blade Runner? Does he find out he’s a Blade Runner?”

I’ve been turning it over in my mind ever since