aqua vita

For real though nearly every god damn game is jumping ship to PC, this Vita TV I bought was a waste of 40 dollars:

I keep telling you people not to buy Vitas

and then you find out that the Vita family is a bad investment

Look upon this gif and despair, for this is the future you have wrought

Happy fourth birthday, Vita

Listen, for the handful of games I wanted to play I figured the super cheap price I got it for was a steal. Then like 3/4 of the games I wanted to play got PC ports announced. Hindsight is 2048x1152

i didnā€™t realise there was a steam-compatible handheld. :dongdance:

the vitaā€™s an excellent console, the best way to play psp games and the best legal way to play ps1 games. and thereā€™s a bunch of great native games too. i paid Ā£60 for mine last year and i still love it. itā€™s just a shame sony donā€™t support it better~

You joke but the Vita is a better indie portable than any of the upcoming shady-looking portable form factor PCs people are trying to make. I like my Vita, Iā€™m just sane enough to tell people who are looking at it that, no, you shouldnā€™t buy one, god, just look at the market, the thing is dead/the designated anime portable.

I would totally buy Omega Labyrinth. You know, for science.

not enough negative-bloodpotions for that gif

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Every time I see that gif I want to return my Vita.

If it makes you feel any better I hear itā€™s not supposed to be particularly good. And in spoiler territory, the game supposedly ends on a cliffhanger but it probably didnā€™t sell well enough to warrant a sequel (maybe this PC port is a second try at success?).

Man, the Vita is great and everyone in this thread saying otherwise is dumb. Hereā€™s your four options for a REAL GOOD TIME ā„¢

  1. Fun little indie/arcade games. Super Meat Boy, Binding of Issac, Guacamelee, Geometry Wars 3, Spelunky, whatever. Keep an eye out for sales, or check Amazon for cheap download codes.

  2. PSP and PS1 classics. Get all the good stuff you missed out on. Mega Man Legends, Suikoden II, Dracula X Chronicles, all them Final Fantasies, whatever.

  3. Actual Vita titles. Yeah, thereā€™s not many good ones, and a lot of ports, but hell. Persona 4, Virtueā€™s Last Reward, Metal Gear HD, Disgaea 4, Muramasa, Final Fantasy X, Ninja Gaiden 1+2, Ys, Legend of Heroesā€¦ Odin Sphere is coming.

  4. Get into your bed, pull the covers up to your neck, and stream PS4 games to the thing. Anything requiring super precise controls kind of sucks, but Tales of Zestiria has been a real good time on the thing.

Just treat it like what it is, a big stupid emulator box which should hopefully get fully hacked in the next few years and let us put SNES games on it or whatever. Until then, just download good old games (half of which you get for free from PS Plus) and go to town!

Now I ask myself how impatient I am. Do I want to get my titty ninja musou on asap or wait for the inevitable PC port.

Currently I have given my vita a reason to live with puyo x tetris and Persona 4 Dancing all night.

Shinovi Versus is confirmed for PC and Estival Versus is coming out on the PS4, so

ā€¦donā€™t look at me like that, why wouldnā€™t I know whatā€™s going on with theses games, huh

Also, we already have/had emulators on the Vita (technically the PSP emulation is hacked), but you need older FW for that. Older games look nice on that OLED I tell ya what

I will take any/all vitas and your anime games

Played these all on PC already mang

A review I read made it sound like the battle system was real interesting.

I might wind up getting a Gamefly account for a month or two so I can play dumb anime games for a few hours a piece and not pay full price for them on either Vita or PC

Does your PC fit in your pocket and have two nipple-esque nubs rising out of it? I think not.

Can you jerk your PC off and make an anime orgasm and level up? I think not.


really appreciate that notbov has taken his self-loathing anime game to the next level lately


One must have a sense of humor about the things they enjoy that they recognize as ridiculous

and let me tell you, I enjoy a lot of ridiculous nonsense of all sorts


good job with that slag levelling

I think Iā€™ll just stop in to note that Iā€™ve played a lot of Dungeon Travelers 2 over the past couple months andā€¦ I really find it satisfying. I donā€™t care about the harem anime aesthetic and the fact that the enemies are all different kinds of little girl monsters (oh, and sentient fruit that look like bad Flash art), itā€™s a DAMN GOOD DUNGEON CRAWLER GUYS.

Should probably be ashamed. Not really ashamed though!

I also dig Experienceā€™s Wizardry-style dungeon RPGs, which are still pretty anime but a bit less embarrassing-looking (well, Demon Gaze does lean that wayā€¦). But not Ray Gigant (coming this year as a Vita exclusive on PSN!) or Stranger of Sword City. Which, SoSC is also coming to Xbox Oneā€¦ but I kinda think itā€™s more likely people would want a nice piece of portable hardware even if just for indies and PS1/PSP games than an Xbox One which has even MORE of its library available easily elsewhere.

I am kind of interested in picking up a PS TV sometime later this year. Would like to play + stream Shiren 5 when it comes out, because Iā€™ve actually played the DS version and itā€™s really really fun.

Kind of interested in Oreshika because I want to see how much of a trainwreck it is compared to the original game. Also really dig some of the art style it has going on and want to study it.

I never did get oreshika. Ive been working on La Mulana Ex on my vita for about two months now. Lots of wondering around. Think im going to sell my big P4DAN set.

It is a wonderful piece of hardware.

And steins;gate.