it seems like they’re beginning to realize how bad they fucked up with the lack of platform continuity but too late to do anything about it
The VR market at this point is at like “No one would launch a new platform but at least we can keep playing with the existing ones” and then Sony decided they were already on this tear
People have touched upon several of the problems Metroid Prime 2 has, but let me add on that it may be the game that suffers from “lock & key overdose” than any other game I’ve played. When I was near my time with it I actually tried to count how many different lock and keys the game had and I recall that final number being rather absurd. Add in that half the game is very “run for X period of time, then stand in a bubble for Y period of time to very slowly get the health you lost during the constant health drain during X” and it just sorta collapses under the weight of some of the poor decision they made.
There is liquid you can only sink in when you have a later suit, this is madness as every version of that suit has to weigh close to a literal ton.
I recall accidentally missing a save point once when I friend was coming over and he was stuck watching me play for an hour until I found another and was baffled as to why the game was like this.
That said there is one in-game area that does look rather neat and I think the game has value in that it is made almost entirely of the same pieces that the original is, yet that is a classic and this is a mess; if you can figure out why that is the case you’ve probably figured out a lot about game design.
it’s insane. the Wipeout collection and dreams and polybius and the first astro bot were all really great and really generationally defining for them and they’re just going “idk”
and yet they did not blink when a PS5 Dev kit was dropped off on my porch like a fucking Uber Eats order. I didn’t have to sign or anything. It would be extremely funny if it had gotten stolen off my porch and they tried to fence it off at pink gorilla
Hah, I had no idea you were working on that! That’s definitely the most substantial look at a PSVR2 game that exists. The game seems real neat and I was going to pick it up whenever I get a headset.
One of the more interesting things I recall being mentioned in that video that I never realized was how the Oculus Quest actually kind of held back VR game development. I always assumed that it was the most practical way for anyone to get into VR (though I mistakenly thought it was cheaper than it actually was), but I did not know that the specs were so low that it actually ended holding back larger scope and more ambitious game designs. That really explains why it feels like there have been so few truly noteworthy VR games in the past few years (granted I never paid that much attention to the PC VR space so maybe I just missed them).
VR is still too expensive for mainstream adoption and for indie creators to just pick up and make interesting experiments with. But the current age of VR tech has been around for like almost a decade and we’re still getting tons of these games where you predominantly stand in place and shoot a horde of enemies. I don’t know if that’s due to the Quest, or people too married to conventional game design, or what. But it’s just disappointing to see so few new paradigms explored so far in what can potentially be a fundamentally different medium.
i literally still have a ps4 and ps vita devkit in my garage and sony has not said anything to me about it
i think i’m supposed to like, mail it to their warehouse or something, it boggles my mind that i couldn’t just drop it off at sony san mateo when i lived right there
Say what you want, but SQ without the EX back then had an awesome staff. There will be the day when people will come around and appreciate belts’n’zippers Nomura… in 2050 maybe, but it will come
PS+ Extra and Premium are getting some good updates next week
PS+ Extra
Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown (PS4)
Borderlands 3 (PS4, PS5)
Earth Defense Force 5 (PS4)
The Forgotten City (PS4. PS5)
Horizon Forbidden West (PS4, PS5)
I am Setsuna (PS4)
Lost Sphere (PS4)
Oninaki (PS4)
Outriders (PS4, PS5)
The Quarry (PS4, PS5)
Resident Evil 7: Biohazard (PS4)
Scarlet Nexus (PS4, PS5)
Tekken 7 (PS4)
PS+ Premium
Destroy All Humans! (PS2)
Harvest Moon: Back to Nature (PS1)
The Legend of Dragoon (PS1)
Wild Arms 2 (PS1)
EDF5! HFW! RE7! Tekken 7! AC7!
i am doing the PS+ thing this gen and am pretty chuffed with the selection. was really considering splashing for AC7 on the next deep sale but my gambit continues to pay off at the moment lol
One nice thing about Sony not having the corporate energy to completely mimic Gamepass and focus on new indie games is that they instead upload a bunch of old or b-tier games that I never played.
I hear those Tokyo RPG Factory games sucked, so I guess I can finally find out why.