ACTION 5 NEWS with Chuck Scarsdale

holy toledo the new unreal version bumped max world size from 22km to…88 million km !!! hahahaaaa damn. time to get a gaia licence and go ape shitt


the prime remaster is sublime tbh

I mostly remember prime 2 as being terrible meandering level design punctuated by incredible boss fights. did not like it at the time but tbh proper dual analog controls would probably go a long way to making it more palatable

I guess there’s always primehack in the meantime


I played Prime for the first time via the Wii (do not recommend) and thought the first third was amazing, the second third pretty good, and by the time I got to the last third I was like “okay that’s enough” and just watched a longplay.

Part of it was how tedious and time consuming going back and forth was. It’s bad enough in the 2D games, it’s way worse in 3D (especially with how slow Samus walks). Really felt like the game wasn’t respecting my time.

Fusion and Zero Mission rock tho

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gonna refer to it as Metroid Prime Refurbished from now on


This is where I’m at, too. Couldn’t believe how hard I bounced off it after the previous game.


I wonder if you’d feel less this way using a gamepad instead of the wiimote. it’s neat to play prime this way but kind of tiring

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i just rested my remote hand on my lap/pillow and made very minor aim flicks, at it for hours

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Rudie’s 2 cents on Echoes: Echoes made me scream for twin stick controls in a way that 1 worked perfect with the controls it had.


My memory of Echoes was every enemy taking like 40 shots to kill and shit feeling more Zelda like and bloated and the dark side shit being a huge chore and that I hated it and wished I’d quit earlier than I had


I never paid attention to RE8 when it was coming out. How different does this look from the regular game? I can’t really tell. The graphics look quite good for a VR game, though I wonder how it actually looks through the headset itself.


I’m a huge huge fan of RE7/8. I first experienced 7 in VR which I thought was incredibly immersive and sadly not widely enough available, and when 8 didn’t get announced for VR initially, I was disappointed, but when I played it at release it was so much more videogamey in practice that I think it wouldn’t have made a huge difference in hindsight

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the FOV is real weird with sense of scale in the regular game in original first-person presentation so, done right, VR could stand to add a lot

i.e. looking up at big lady


I could imagine a slower paced game like (most of) RE7 could be bearable on a headset as low-quality as the PSVR, but for how much faster RE8 is I hope the PSVR2 is an exceedingly better experience otherwise I wouldn’t even try it. Both games seem perfect for VR if they just weren’t locked to Sony hardware.

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PSVR2 is equivalent to the best PC hardware, with a few important new features (haptics and HDR)


Yeah, I played RE7 in VR and it was fantastic. I’m not sure PSVR ever had another game of quite that level of production quality. I wouldn’t be surprised if PSVR2 and RE8 are the same way. I waited on RE8 long enough that after it got a VR mode announced I figured I could just wait for that, so I’m hoping they make good companion experiences.

I imagine Sony commissioned the VR ports for RE7 and RE8, but I am surprised that they never made it over to PC after some customary amount of time. I hear the Oculus version of RE4 is quite good too- I wonder if that will forever be exclusive to Oculus as well. That had to have also informed Capcom’s work on RE8 VR since PSVR2 now has similar controls to those Oculus controllers.

Capcom is killing it VR. I wish people would keep paying them to make more VR stuff rather than just adapting Resident Evil games over and over. Clock Tower VR! Demento VR! Dino Crisis VR! Ace Attorney VR! Steel Battalion VR! Auto Modellista VR!


regardless of quality, feels real bad to buy a display/peripheral that only works with one computer i don’t own which can’t run any of the software for their previous version


Sony won’t even let the devkits run retail code. Unusual and extremely parsimonious.


The entire PSVR2 launch is extremely bizarre. It launches in a week but they’ve yet to do any kind of real game showcase or marketing outside of a handful of blog posts, and all they’ve done video wise is release hardware teardowns over the past couple of days. I think press impressions are still under embargo so you can’t even learn about the thing from them. It’s difficult to get a sense of whether Sony actually cares about PSVR2 or if they’re treating it as a sunk cost.


in fact our marketing strategy depended on Sony’s weird failure to talk about it, and sneaking certain stuff under their eye…


The only things drawing me to it are RE8 and resurrections of 20 yr old near-forgotten ips Fantavision and Cosmic Smash and I’m not even really sure esp in the former case that the overall experience is going to be any better with a headset strapped on. No back-compat (at least unless explicitly reprogrammed/rereleased as a psvr2 title by the dev) stings even more as i wanted to be able to get Deracine for this