the phazon mines ruled
zelda halo
the phazon mines are faithful to the last quarter of super metroid in enemy density and “encounter” “design” but without the screw attack to trivialize them
i can definitely hear the ascending synth intervals and electric guitar wails from the space pirate battle music in my head as i write this
i played metroid prime until the first boss, the lock on mechanic is essential to playing it right and i could never get a handle on it
when i played metroid prime i was a kid… it was like an insane graphical advance like going from ocarina of time to that and in a lot of ways felt like Another Zelda Game but like a very good one (cf star fox adventure and beyond good & evil which are extremely mid or even bad zeldas…) beyond the graphics looking great it also still has this really intimate sense of space where every room feels considered (something that imo almost makes it feel like a Souls DNA Strand) i think it would be kind of a Current Classic if the combat was ever more than mid (a trait which i dont attribute remotely to the control scheme btw so much as a lack of particularly aggressive enemies or like much in the way of encounter design etc.) like stuff like the visor fogging up still feels like smth triple a games are catching up with!!! honestly!!!
also like… metroid prime and metroid fusion were kind of a banger duology for a 4th grader like i didnt even understand how sick and atmospheric games could just be
I guess I don’t disagree, but I think it’s because the game is more honest with the player (the theme of V is, after all, you are Snake). There’s a lot more self-reinforcing game in V, far past the modest increase in player verbs or AI reactions, because they built it to be perpetuating rather than inside a limited box. That it can be turned into gun game is what you would expect from following this promise to an endpoint:
If you play it as gun game, now that the narrative allows you and now that the game is open, that’s really your choice, really your choice in a way the earlier games could only heavy-handedly insist between coveted infinite bandanas and rivers of bodies.
@BustedAstromech’s fondness for mgsv really cements that i like 1-3 (4 and 5/PW are complicated) as comedy murder adventure games and hitman now carries the torch
Played it in 2002 when it was released, thought it was a masterpiece and still feel that way today. There’s no other FPS that blends exploration and combat quite like it. The only game that competes with Prime since 2002 has maybe been Returnal, but Prime manages to still do it better.
MGSV is great but I think the storytelling and writing are complete garbage even when it thinks it’s doing something neat and it has so little meaningful continuity with anything that came before or since
like, it being “metal gear solid 5” is kind of a distraction imo
No way, it’s deeply engaged with all of the series’ themes, but it can look at and express them in a very different (and more game-native) manner because of its new frame. It’s the Far Cry 2 of Metal Gear. It’s the only Metal Gear where the constant theme of self-reinforcing violence feels deeply integrated.
I deeply love Metal Gears but I respect V a lot more as a game. It’s where that team dropped their charming but kludgy cinematic aspirations and shockingly proved they had this in them.
I understand where you’re coming from with this, but permit me to call it the most monolith soft way of evaluating a game I’ve ever heard
busted i wouldn’t permit that if i was you
oh huh! see, i think about that interminable tutorial slow-walk cyprus section and the one-shot-no-cuts camera direction as the worst of kojima’s “cinematic” aspirations, not to mention the viral marketing stunts and AMV-ass trailers
there’s a reason a half dozen lines of dialogue endure eternal (“why are we still here…”) but it does not acquit itself well as a metal gear game on the high heels of revengeance
I was so angry nobody realized we were building the same endgame as V and it would fail for the same reasons because almost nobody there had played it! What a strange experience those years were
It’s real interesting they left that intro in because it’s like laying their cards out and proving their course was a dead end, committing to a new start. Normally you cut that, right? Rather than failing in front of your audience
when i was playing apex legends i’d imagine a “chapter 3” that was just a battle royale mode MGO in that engine and it’s perfect
it’s gonna be a bummer when a po-faced MGS remake comes out of bluepoint and it’s crystal clear no one with any authority took note of revengeance’s extremely long-tail popularity
Either that or they lean drastically into the memes, a few burned-out TV writers giving an approximation of an anime villain monologue
Now that you put it that way it’s unfortunate that V decided to spend its forever game online mode budget on a pvp mode instead of something more like Hitman’s Contracts system.
i can happilly ignore these things usually but yeah that’s really gonna stink
Metal Gear: The Movie: The Game starring mocap Wyatt Russell as his dad as Solid Snake