It’s not that the shots are cheap, they’re just effectively budgeted and scoped.
was literally just thinking “I want a 3D platformerish action game except you’re a car” over dinner, gimme gimme
Choro Q vibes
for a chat app ostensibly for gamers, they sure don’t seem to care about performance or footprint at all
i cannot believe the interim fix is to edit its sli profile
finally, a win for AMD
discord is a fucking web app in its own fucking web browser so they can write everything in fucking javascript. getting jokerfied at this software paradigm
are there competitors for just rich text and voice rtc?
(don’t say Teams, don’t say Teams…)
teams is electron too iirc
sadly, this is the cheapest way to ship cross platform desktop UI in 2023
and yet sound and screen sharing is a dumpster fire in Linux
I know I always ride to electron’s defense but it’s actually a pretty good framework imo and it in no way forces people to exclusively build single-window apps or have bad idle CPU usage, those are problems with how discord is using it
source: I made a cross platform background tray app in electron once and found it way more enjoyable to work on than any alternative, and it had zero performance problems
just feel glad you don’t have to use the video software built by Job Simulator devs in Unity
no one should make cross platform anything
oh yeah if you want to make an NLVE you absolutely, absolutely need to do it from scratch, don’t even joke
guess what! give it 30% of your CPU and video cycles and in return it can randomly hide an input source every day!
read a tweet that said ea cancelled titanfall 3. welp.