this is both 2 and 3!!! i’m so so happy :')
Still been meaning to get round to Rhapsody 1. Might do the whole trilogy this year.
That music rules.
“Enriched with achievements”
PS5 but not PS4. Huh.
im surprised / disappointed this doesnt seem to be the exa arcadia version
it looks / sounds Great tbh very light enhancements… either way i think its my fav nes game personally. maybe if it sells theyll put this up on steam in 2025
It ISN’T the arcade version?! What’s the point then??
i know what the point is but what’s the point
I thought everyone said the exa arcadia version was terrible
say more… i never got that vibe from anything i saw of it but ive never had the chance to play it? i wonder if it runs in teknoparrot or w/e its too bad i dont trust that software even a little lol
I unfortunately not have the chance of playing it myself but I remember hearing it controls poorly and had a lot of input lag. I saw patch notes earlier saying that input lag is now under a frame, but I have no idea how their patching model works given their business model, so who knows how widespread that patch is
I’m also just confused by their 16:9 mode? it just looks stretched and not like proper 16:9 support? which isn’t great!
It happened because I told you to hide the evidence of your break in and you ignored me!!!
Seems like there is an extremely high chance of Ska content. (I also like The Midnight the band from the trailer).
Guess it is time to call the freelance police to solve this case:
Half of this article
reads like a collection of inside jokes from one of us who has finally invaded/made it into Guardian offices.
A boomer gamer is embracing apple arcade, calls himself a casual gamer while listing Indie-street-cred titles, is name dropping the Neo Geo, hinting at playing FIFA competitively, firing cheap shots at Star Citizen + adding a Final Fantasy joke cherry to the cake, and to sugar coat/top it off, if Pocket Card Jockey isn’t a well-disguised attempt at placing @notbov ‘s honorable horse racing attempts on editors’ desk w/o getting busted, our inside con man has well and truly succeeded.
I mean, that’s the peak, hands down.
New Games Journalism is Dead, long live New Games Journalism
whenever i’m reading an old magazine and dave perry gets mentioned, i think “i’m not a journalist, i’m a marketing manager ”
Rudie let’s talk about The Midnight
that article is embarrassing
it reads like “well, phone games were bad until I found a phone game I liked, so I guess phone games are okay”
the problem isn’t X genre or type of thing, the problem is you being an elitist and using that position to excuse not engaging in that content
the irony being, of course, were he as hardcore as he proclaims, he would have already played Game Freak Horse Racing Card Game on his 3DS