nuts and bolts with way more possible failure points is good
botw = blue = wisdom = physics puzzles
totk = green = courage = building death trap contraptions
I’m sorry for linking a dang TikTok, I just can’t stop thinking about this.
Also very proud of my awful contraption I used to solve a shrine.
I built a contraption tonight that got the job done, but just looked like it was miserable about life, so I just did slowmo voice of “Please let me diieee” while it did its thing.
First one was meh.
my wife keeps having to remind me of my other abilities because I try to solve everything by making a nuts & bolts death-trap machine. Did you know you should not attach a rocket to a wooden platform in a way where it can instantly incinerate the platform with its exhaust?
Hot tip for every would be builder out there: Hold something in the air for like 10 seconds with your god hand and then hit that object with the time reverse. It’ll float in place for the duration while you focus on attaching all those rockets to the back.
I used this technique to launch a plane off of a sky island (I just floated it over the edge of the island and jumped on while it was time reversed)
i’m glad i had the experience of balancing it riiight on the edge and then activating a fan on the tail and running to the nose to make it juuust teeter over and gripping onto it as it immediately plummets straight down and holding on for dear life as it slowly rights itself and then finally flying properly from there… but i’ll definitely do it your way next time
I kept fucking up trying to do it this way so I decided to get clever
I’ve been surprised and pleased by how things went after descending from tutorial Island. There’s just something delightful about how so many people complained about weapon durability, and this game straight-up withers all weapons in the world. It winds up not mattering as much because of the southwest tutorial shrine’s ability, but it’s still one hell of a move.
Before I quit for the night, I unlocked the pad’s photography function. I really liked the arrow fusions in that area.
Today, my plan is to try to follow my BotW path to Kakariko, after which… Hebra, perhaps? Oh, maybe Tarrey Town, actually.
i spent my first hour or so on the surface doing shrines near the first town for another heart, a little delving, and unlocked horses. love this feeling of excited indecision about where to go that always comes with the start of one of these. tempted to beeline for the desert to get more Appropriate Clothing but afraid i’d be kicking against the plot too much and get frustrated. maybe i’ll go to the Fashion Town instead…
It rains so goddamn much just like BotW. Made it to the Gerudo Town and I’m liking the big overworld changes so far.
The underground map reveal is making me feel like I’m never gonna finish the game lol.
i might play this down the line but the contraption videos are honestly kind of turning me off to it. also
collective a socialist movement modeled after the collective joy inspired by super hyped Nintendo releases. A New Leaf and a New World, eh?
I am exploration-motivated so instead of playing around with contraptions or doing shrines, I spent yesterday mostly just travelling from map tower to map tower as efficiently as possible. The first couple I did by horse road and climbing in the BotW style, but after a while I realized you can usually fly direct to the next tower provided you find a nearby floating rock to launch off a basic Wing.
I developed my own simple & reliable Wing launch technique for this. Grab it and hold it below the cliff-edge as far down as you can, while you creep up against the edge yourself. Then let go of the grab and immediately walk off the cliff.
So right now I have all but 2 map towers, and only 9 shrines and 10 korok seeds. And then I tried dropping into a red pit and found there’s an underground equivalent of map towers, so I’m not nearly done with this style of play yet.
Been watching Melody binge this.
Incredible how this game initially seems to merely double-down on the BotW sandbox play, but also integrates a lot more classic Zelda DNA. This thing is real special.
The music is more prominent than BotW, and it is exquisitely arranged and recorded. There was a tune with an achingly beautiful clarinet lead, and a music troupe with lively violin playing.
No idea what kind of blood sacrifice Nintendo did to get this running as well as it does on the Switch. Game is beautiful
I’ve seen some complaints that a lot of the music is rearrangements and reuse of the last game’s stuff but… when it’s executed this well, I’m not going to complain. Some of the dynamic music changes have been really, really impressive. Been playing mostly with headphones and this shit rocks.
I built the most ridiculous rocket contraption to try to solve a puzle and failed
And then realized there was a knob that i needed to turn and didn’t even need all my ridiculous devices lol
Game owns
holy fuck this is terrifying, i love it
i have been playing deeply inefficiently, mostly on foot, walking around trying to remember where the fuck kakariko is. i have hit three towers?
nice time game
Found them Yiga clan boys toolin’ around in Mad Max death vehicles down in the Depths.
Also found a laser beam just before a Battle Talus so I took that as a hint. Killed everything there just before the Blood Moon cut scene hit to respawn an archer to one-shot me in the back. The dumbest Souls game.