Zelda: Cries of the Commonwealth

I’m at the point where the main quest is wrapped up pretty much and I’m at the drudgery of the victory lap. My first playthrough was pretty tight but i just kind of blazed through, fighting pretty much nothing with a health bar that wasn’t quest related and without getting enough shrines to open the door in the sky or obtain the master sword prior to the end.


On a rumor of trouble I came to this little tropical town and found it taken over by pirates.
I managed to dispatch them all taking no hits as one hit would kill me at 4 hearts. It was a lot of fun to use ALL the tools Id gathered to that point. I beat the boss by freezing him and pushing him off the boat. Hah!
Turns out they need 15 logs to rebuild, so I had the idea of gathering them all at once from somewhere up the coast and boating them back to the village. There is not much forest along the sea so I had to go quite far up the coast (about half way) and into an inlet to find enough trees near enough to the shore but I did it!

By the time I was done it was night and raining.

Setting off into the inky blackness. Getting some Dredge vibes

Really ripping.

Stopping to enjoy the view, check out some islands.

After boating through the night the end is in sight.

Air boat man Link!

Made it! All 15 logs!

Hell yeah dude. Gonna have the town done in no time!

The fuck do you mean?

The FUCK do you mean?





oh my god that’s so cruel, i love it


To be fair, he actually tells you what kind of logs he needs from the get go.

EDIT: That being said, when I did that quest I got a different, well, not failure message but certainly a special message commenting on how I approached the problem, we’ll see if you get that one too.

I absolutely love that there are a number of special case messaages for quirks in solving or not solving some of those quests. It feels much better than achievements even though it’s kind of the same thing.


This game has me thinking about traversal all the ding-dang time. This game’s size has me really hyper focused on movement in a way that feels outsized and is in many ways distracting and detracting from the other game elements. But the mix is still good.

I was in the depths and I was moving as fast as I could thinking about all the crevasses I was flying over that would have gotten serious scrutiny in another Zelda title. Im starting to put a lot of thought into the size of the games meaning vs the size of a game’s stuff and how time/space becomes a motivational aspect over actual danger and more importantly over wonder. I dont wonder what is in the crevasses because If I dont push push push to the goal Im going to end my evening feeling unfulfilled. No other Zelda has made me do that except for Majora’s mask and I hated that aspect of that game.

Ive made this observation about car racing. Faster cars race on tracks with wider larger turns because there is a turn per minute limit that humans are comfortable with. As the size of the Zelda increases the speed must also increase to keep the action per minute level high enough for the game to be good. The trick of this zelda is to give you a dozen kinds of movement so the novelty of movement remains high. But you must always be moving. Car racing is often sold on the speed of the machines. Nascar hitting nearly 200mph is a biig selling point. Most people dont drive the car and don’t know that a go kart going 40 mph is just as technical and to the average driver just as interesting once you adjust to it. So too a big game is sold on its bigness and likewise its not necessarily better for it. Though it is certainly louder for it.

I think the loudness of the game shows up in the combat as well. Z targeting is really de-emphasized and tied to the shield. Enemies are most often in groups now and youre using the space and traversal tricks to mange them. You lose the nuances of older fights, its faster and looser and the numbers are bigger. The up shot is now you have more tactical options and more fun ways to deploy them. Zelda always kinda did but if watching so many people play Link to The Past has taught me anything its that if you give people a dedicated sword button they forget the mountain of other wild shit you built for them. This game does not let you take you’re eyes off the mountain.

Whats the point? This game is hard to hang out in and the pace is starting to get me down. But also I cant stop playing and I cant stop thinking about what Im going to try next.


I do feel properly adventuresome in this game, I’ll tell you that. It requires more menu time than I’d like, I’m constantly evaluating weapons/shields because of my carry limits, or fusing items because just about everything sucks in its base form. But finding good combos to fuse is satisfying.

It’s weird there is a lot of stuff that simultaneously annoys and engages me, here


Are there enough light doohickeys to fully upgrade my hearts and stamina or am I committing to a “build” if I want one or the other maxed out

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more than enough for both… you mostly just need to get a full second stamina wheel sooner or later after you get a minimum acceptable number of hearts, then you can dump whatever

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There’s two upgrades short of taking everything to maximum, I suppose future proofing in case they ever were going to include DLC. Either way, you’ll have one maxed out and the other with a ludicrous amount of meter,

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I went for max stamina because you can always cook dishes that overcharge hearts. You can cook dishes that overcharge stamina too so I could have gone with max hearts but I always will want more stamina.

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I’m pushing for more hearts in this one because I want to feel the need to invent machinery.

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Level III Flux Constructs are a pain in the balls to fight

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Gotta hit them constructs with electricity or eyeball em with an arrow.

Finally got the autobuilder. So nice. Now to perfect some simple vehicles other than the hover bike. Goddam the hover bike with a bright bloom on it is so good. I used one so much in the depths I exhausted the fans.

I fought the stuff in the stomach of the Deku tree by making an arm out of sleds that hung down from a mushroom platform with a construction head and cannons on the end. Took a minute but I got 'em.

I need to figure out how to trigger the attack rush consistently. Had a lionell charge swiping at me and I’m jumping over every attack and nothing. The Z trig being the shield button kinda has me fucked up on shield parry.

I think my like 8 hearts and 2 stamina wheels is good for now.


if you pull off the blocks on the very ends of the arms and feet they’re harmless!


I feel like they very quickly get them back, though? Unless I’ve been yanking the wrong bits

fuse the blocks to a weapon and shove the weapon back into inventory. Personally, I just run around them mostly until they go into that form where they fly into the aiir and throw blocks. Then I jump on a block and rewind it up to them and hit the core with my biggest hammer.


Ooh! I hadnt even thought of rewind! I’ve been ascending through them


omg i never thought of ascending!! this game huh


So many ideas I hadn’t even considered…

also by the time you yank those four blocks like… pulling one more block will make it collapse