Zelda: Cries of the Commonwealth

On a rumor of trouble I came to this little tropical town and found it taken over by pirates.
I managed to dispatch them all taking no hits as one hit would kill me at 4 hearts. It was a lot of fun to use ALL the tools Id gathered to that point. I beat the boss by freezing him and pushing him off the boat. Hah!
Turns out they need 15 logs to rebuild, so I had the idea of gathering them all at once from somewhere up the coast and boating them back to the village. There is not much forest along the sea so I had to go quite far up the coast (about half way) and into an inlet to find enough trees near enough to the shore but I did it!

By the time I was done it was night and raining.

Setting off into the inky blackness. Getting some Dredge vibes

Really ripping.

Stopping to enjoy the view, check out some islands.

After boating through the night the end is in sight.

Air boat man Link!

Made it! All 15 logs!

Hell yeah dude. Gonna have the town done in no time!

The fuck do you mean?

The FUCK do you mean?