Zelda: Breath of the Wild

i played this for ~20hrs w friends the weekend it came out and felt sort of done w it. now that i have a switch, i might borrow my housemate’s copy and start from scratch. should i do it on hard mode?

I love hard mode because it makes encounter & resource selection a strong question you need to evaluate each time. Combat isn’t sturdy enough that it can handle it, so I struggled with some bosses and the Trial of the Sword (optional) is nigh-impossible.

I value fear, panic as emotions created by games and was well served.


i started playing this

i’m a little burned out on Open World Games & invested in a ‘nintendo is bad’ gimmick at the moment but it’s nice

at this point cemu runs it beautifully, patreon sure made a difference there eh

i played like 10-15 hours of this with a couple of friends the weekend it came out, and mostly felt like i got what i needed from it.
now that i have a switch and it’s been well over a year, i’m thinking about going in on again on my own copy. should i start this in hard mode?

link is hot

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i’ve been at this for a few days now, and i enjoy all the time i’ve been having with it.
zelda has a stupid close relationship to my life, so this is like…entering The Golden Land. just wanna hang out in this 1970’s manga version of Hyrule


i’m a rugged mountain climber that everyone wants to fuck who loves cooking and photography dear god its a game about being a millenial jock


link is the guy you meet in a mountain walk in californian who’s wearing a climbing cap and tells you namaste after saying he’s on a pilgrimage to a buddhist site


the challenge shrines feel crafted in a way that i definitely have used the tools the game gives me to break solutions and figure out fizes that arent there and then the other half so clearly have a single fixed route through them i wonder if thays just me tho

Forgot how weak the English voice acting was, jesus


i’m glad that’s not just me, but i have a feeling the xenoblade devs had a lot of pick and choose over the cast or at least the dubbing process

yuri lowenthql’s gonna end up voicing link one day

amazing how the shit i wouldnt let ssassins creed origins do to me i’ll readily excuse because zelda never makes me look at a skill tree or assign points to anything


i am the most obnoxious zelda lore perspn so its cool that the western section of the map here shares landmarks with “western hyrule” where Zelda II takes place

also cool that the Great Skeletons you find in the world are the wind fish, levias and the ocean king


last night i stunbled on a small burned out village on a hillside surrounded by corroded husks of guardians with a single rusted sword stabbed into the hill just outside it.

later, while i was bumbling around gerudo town happened to notice watermelon rhinds falling into one of the aquifers and followed them through the canal, where i found a gerudo woman sitting and eating a huge pile of watermelons who was annoyed i came up there just to bother her



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yes. all three skeletons are different, in sizes and look! only the gerudo desert skeleton has wings on the back, the same as the wind fish dunno if its meant to signify that the world is so shitty because of calamity ganon that even the spirits that protect other corners of the world are dead? cool either way


This game still has so much for me to discover. Got damn.

there are dozens of little nods if you’re a huge goddamn zelda idiot like me. gerudo desert also holds the ruins of the arbiters grounds, where ganons failed execution took place in twilight princess


okay look i’m sorry i’m filling up this thread with posting alone but i’m gonna say it:

i like that there’s so much animosity between zelda and link because it’s fun to play with the idea of the hero and the “damsel” in a way that’s not just make one of them more competent/less competent


i appreciate your thoughts please keep sharing them! You are making me want to replay this game something fierce

Yeah i think the bad English voice acting and kinda clunky script obscure that this is easily the most interesting and human LoZ story since Majora’s Mask. It is also for once a Zelda story that is definitively About Zelda! Like Link is the hero who’s destined to beat Ganon’s ass as usual, but everything you uncover about the main narrative is concerned with Zelda and her issues, she is absolutely the main character.