Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Yeah jeez the more i watch this video the more i… froth?!?

Of note to me in the video:

  • The magneto power at 7:25 is dope.
  • That bit at about 10:35, where he maneuvers an enemy’s laser into exploding a blob, then rides the current created by the explosion. Huh.
  • Lightning at 12:05. Ha.

Also, dude in the video says you die a lot and nothing seems gated beyond just really hard enemies.

My expectations have been super low on this so I figured I’d wait for Mario to get the Switch, but I ride a train every day and this is looking pretty alright.

Okay, sure, I’m down with this.

I am torn between wanting to avoid spoilers and wondering what the game turns into once you start to acquire more items and whatnot. In older Zelds your general collection of actions is v different at the beginning and end of the game, and I’m wondering how much of that this one will still have. Has anyone said if the game has “XP” and a skill tree or if you just improve by acquiring loot as in the past?

Man, that display font feels wrong somehow.

I’m encouraged. But not convinced yet.

On the one hand, it looks like the Zelda game I always wanted/thought I was playing in 1990.

On the other, there’s another shoe going to drop with “story” and I have a hard time believing it won’t be unspeakably bland and obnoxious.

pernient spoilers?

now, as to whether one can keep the outfit outside of some infiltration mission…


GOTY, day one purchase, best zelda game, etc.

Kind of doubt it’s gonna be anything other than a one-off novelty that goes “HEH, MAN IN WOMAN CLOTHES – AM I RITE?”, like, this is Nintendo (and videogames), but I’d be happy to be proven wrong

a Zelda talk at GDC today showed off what could’ve been:

i would’ve loved this, fuck the nerds


I want to play the 2D prototype way more than Breath of the Wild…


I don’t agree, so much, but I wouldn’t mind a fully featured Zelda Maker with a robust physics engine.


This isnt the Zelda thread :angrypig:

The fingerless gloves, the axe, the pompom on the end of his hat

but at least the saddlebags on the bike explain where Link keeps all that gear


I’m stupid excited about Breath of the Wild. The final hoorah for the Wii U.

it took me way to long too realize that this was a joke

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I just got a big mechanical spoiler. It’s wild. You get arrows that can freeze time. One application I saw was freezing a boulder, then hitting it with a hammer several times to build up force, then unfreezing and letting the force move the boulder where a single hammer hit wouldn’t.

It’s exciting to see how much of the formalism of “Zelda” got stripped out.




Now here’s a good review, from the trusty pen of Austin Walker:

I panicked and let loose an arrow—except, whoops, I had my fire arrows equipped. The grass beneath us all caught fire, and in my alarm I tried to jump away. That’s when I realized it: Fire creates heat, and heat lifts air. My paraglider caught an updraft and I lifted away into the safe distance. I’d use this trick for the rest of my time with the game.

no fucking way