
figured i’d make a thread for these instead of just messaging @contentdeleted in case anyone else gets something out of it

collabs with more than two people usually have everyone handle sections of the song and stitch them together at the end, which is cool for seeing a variety of styles and finding more people who make these things but is rarely as well put together as this:

the octagon collabs are some of the most well-known and have really, really impressive visuals, though they rely a lot more on background music rather than building their covers entirely from samples so they’re a little different from what i’m usually looking for out of these. but anyway here is the last one they did because, uh, wow:

there was a trend, especially with niconicodouga MADs a decade or so ago, of going for an absurd number of simultaneous sound channels for the sake of spectacle and trying to get a listenable song out of it. i can’t find many examples anymore, frustratingly, but this video i watched tonight comes close, especially towards the end; it’s also a rare example of keeping the acapella version of a song audible and only rebuilding the backing tracks, which is kinda neat. it’s wild to me that this was built in around four hours:


Always up for the classics


my video
my video video video BUT

it already got posted. well not my video but my favorite

but ill post lnsector instead


i’d forgotten how long people have been sampling michael rosen, not sure how that ended up being such an enduring thing

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i was amazed when a michael rosen sample made it into the new matmos album

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this one is a classic of the brazilian internet. the original is probably like thirteen years old, but was removed from youtube :cryingpig:

(since the forum can’t handle videos from niconico, here’s a link haha)

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I didn’t know there was a term for this. These are the only ones I’m familiar with and I still revisit them periodically.

Edit: I guess this isn’t quite the same thing.


trying to remember what this is a cover of

Not sure if this is trictly ytp but this particular theme trend was pretty intense for a while.

Fucking hell I’m falling down a hole D:

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rennai circulation

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on i just remembered youtube poop tennis matches

the escalation was always so wild, i can only remember this one off the top of my head

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BARBER HAIR this one gets stuck in my head a lot


oh i love those omg. that scatman cover is adorable

here are, uh, three different covers of the same song because i couldn’t pick one. there are so many more, i guess it’s a niconico fad:


Gonna be honest, did not know this was a thing and now I’m gonna have to add these all to a playlist and listen to them while i work because the ones in @haley’s original post are really impressive

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I have played that first one in particular several times over the past day or so.

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for me personally the visuals are such a big component of what makes these compelling (especially for making it clear what samples you’re listening to) that for background music i’d rather just put on the songs being covered instead most of the time (these videos are almost always covers). i think a big part of what first got me into ytpmvs is that they gave me more to focus on in a more meaningful way than traditional music videos, so that it’s easier with my short attention span to listen without doing something else.

but hey more power to you! it feels nice to introduce this stuff to more people. every once in a while one of these will break out and get a million views or whatever but in general discoverability is pretty poor which always made me sad. i think the japanese community (primarily on niconicodouga, where these videos are called MADs) might be larger than the english one, but that could easily be perception bias on my part–anyway it doesn’t make them any easier for me to find and sort through lol

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