Xenoblade Chronicles: The Original, The Remake, The Legacy

Tight level banding works in a Dragon Quest-like setup, where the player is strictly led along and each new area is a microcosm of the leveling curve, presenting as very difficult when first entered and then, with a level-up or two, moving to fair and then trivial.

My favorite way to balance this is s-curve shaped; enemies get significantly easier or harder just a level below or above the player, but this slows down and caps so that no enemy is truly trivialized and or impossible – it’s really obvious in Destiny when running through low-end content that they still take a few body shots.


I want to like this game but I find the dungeons to be a total slog. i keep going back to dq11 and pokemon ss because they are more relaxing.

Most of the party members band together to exact revenge upon the Mechon for killing loved ones. But I love how Heropon Riki—the cutesy/comedy-relief animal friend—joins up because he’s being extorted and possibly cuckolded by his village elder.


Riki is the best. He and Sharla were the only permanent members of my party.


Oh my, this track is good.


Music & Vistas.

Thanks Nintendo, that was nice.

I’ve taken a big break from this game, but the music has really stuck with me.