Memory Card (8MB)(for PlayStation2®)
ok cool
Memory Card (8MB)(for PlayStation2®)
ok cool
I was going to replace “Michael Mann” with Memory Card (8MB)(for PlayStation2®).
Memory Card (8MB)(for PlayStation2®)
wait doolittle did you actually add wordfilters oh god oh no OH YES
hell yeah it’s time
i’m gonna wordfilter cucumber to cucumber
Noo what is it!!
It’s Memory Card (8MB)(for PlayStation2®).
Let the good times roll (again).
engage in Diogenesian praxis
doesn’t make sense to put in a blanket filter for this (easy to imagine seriously complaining about “guys” being inappropriately changed)
but it did give me an idea, so thank you
girls and Felix
land orca
edit: huh
there was a time, long long ago (like well over a decade ago), when lots of axe thread titles started with "guys, " and it got filtered to “my brothers”
guys > Menfred Menn
good suggestions for the feature that prompts you to revise ()
I’m more of a ‘they’ in most contexts
i am felix
Not a filter but every post automatically has “Hello dear friends” inserted as the opening line, followed by a line break and then the actual text of the post
PS2 memory card
oh, your spaces are NB? that’s so cool!
(somehow wildcards don’t even work on them)