Wonder Woman

i feel like one of the problems with super hero movies these days is they always end up trying to some how bring a ‘realistic’ perspective to what would happen if you had super powers in the actual world or whatever, which basically means that all of them are either going to boil down to “with great power, comes great responsibility” -> “ultra violent mega men are better at solving problems than literally everyone else no matter what, and should be allowed to do whatever all the time because they are special” or the thing where a super hero showing up on the scene calls attention to himself and it leads to this escalating sequence of catastrophe that ends up creating more super villains, somehow? idk. like most of the marvel movies have just been about global devastation on a ridiculous scale emanating from Tony Stark’s various fuckups. It gets boring after awhile?*

they should probably just stop doing them

but i still think it would have been cool if they made that fantastic four movie set in the 60’s where they are all celebrities already

*for some reason i kind of like this in Thor though, at least the first one, because the whole thing plays out like this absurd morality play where Thor begins the movie as a caricature of a hubristic lout and then has to learn manners and stuff. I think the theatricality of it all is a positive and they should probably try to get Kenneth Branagh to do more of those things.

i’m quite keen to see Taiki Waititi’s Thor movie but if they don’t have Immigrant Song in there i’m gonna flip my seat


It dawned on me that Wonder Woman and Dunkirk take place in the same universe. Old Germans are the new Hollywood Nazis.

The Battle of Dunkirk was WWII


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Dunkirk the new movie is a prequel to Batman Begins

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I am willing to write/star in the Squirrel Girl movie. I want everyone to know this just in case.

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No it’s an interquel set between Batman Begins and The Dark Knight didn’t you read the digital only tie-in comic :waynestare:

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Ok so Dunkirk is a sequel to Wonder Woman and a Momento prequel

This I agree with.

Where’s my All-Star Superman movie

They made a cartoon.

It was OK.

i just saw this. It sucked!

What’s gone unmentioned so far itt is that it’s the first major female lead superhero action movie, and she spends most of it acting like a dumbass Eliza Doolittle knockoff and being talked over by a dude who she inexplicably falls in mad hetero love with after a lifetime on an island of hot buff warrior women. Fuck that!!

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I looked this up and I’m still going…who? And what?

Didn’t I say earlier? Anyway the utter failure of the movie to present any lesbian relationships on Israel Island is a massive failure on its own Girl Power merits.

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Guess i missed it