Who wondered 'hey its God Hand'

I think one of the things that is making this game so boring for me is how formulaic the pacing is. I’ve played for almost 10 hours and every year feels like they’re designed to play the same with only environmental aesthetic different. 5 minutes of linear walking + “puzzles” (puzzles in quotes because the game usually has your companions tell you what to do every step and it ends up feeling like a more elaborate version of just walking) with a story-relevant dialogue exchange after every environmental interaction prompt, followed by a short 2-5 minute combat encounter. Repeated ad naseum. Additionally, since the game never focuses on either puzzles or combat, you can never get into the groove and mindset for either one. Just as I’m finished warming up in combat, it’s over and the game wants me to start walking again. It saps identity from all of the levels because they all play the same.

It is also comical how easy it is to level up some skills if you really want to (skills are leveled up by just using them repeatedly).