my computer doesn’t want to load all these pictures lol but I do want to say
giant robots created to hold proportionately sized pistols? dumbest concept, best concept
that works! that’s perfectly acceptable! it’s when you build a giant person to fire it that you have to consider you might have taken the long way around to your solution
alternatively, let’s make a second giant gun that fires a projectile at the button that fires the first giant gun
ahh fuck it it looks cool
Are there any mechs designed to look like moths bc I’d have to like them on principle
G Gundam’s Master Gundam always seemed like it was halfway there with the antennae-like head design and partly obscured colorful wings contrasted against a mostly dark body
master gundam is actually a lowkey heihachi cosplay
This actually makes sense bc part of Domon’s training involved being thrown off of a cliff by M. Asia
forgot this one
I’m kinkshaming
Daddy yes