who wants to talk about spaceship and mecha designs with me while i get high af

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okay but which SBers are drift compatible with each other

Can we reference the user rolls for the bloodpotion ratios closest to 1?

yeah why not, that’s the closest we all have to camaraderie (fight me all of you)

Hmm. We also have that axe thread about OTPs.

Shrug drifts into the mind of a hog while drifting a hog.

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I don’t give a shit about mechas. When I was a kid, yeah, that was my thing. Optimus Prime was the coolest cuz he didn’t have a nose or a mouth. I did not like noses at all! They were hard to draw. But I’ll tell you what gets me hot now: mecha HUDs or GUIs or whatever the fuck. I re-watched Eva last year and took a billion screenshots of all the fuckin robot GUIs or whatever. That’s what gets me truly hot. That and Fake Brands.

These screenshots are from Mishima’s Patriotism but they’re in the same directory so I’m uploading them anyway.

I watched the first episode of Lain recently and it had a lotta shots of telephone poles. Eva had a lot too. They’re great shots. They always remind me of that bit in “Crumb” where he goes on about how ugly the modern world is, and he was right, but both him and Japan did some good art with telephone poles.

I still haven’t watched End of Evangelion or any of the movies.

Sorry if this is too many images!


now THAT’S what I’m talkin about

Oh boy I would have put more effort into my post had I realized this ain’t the Axe.

Like I would have put this in there.

Guess what: my MENTAL TOXICITY LEVEL is +69.69

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I like the shot that’s clearly just a guy playing hex strategy and hoping no one notices.

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maybe you’ll apreciate this, then


good thread


Old School Anime had the best ships.



Yo what is that second one from, it looks exactly like a Wipeoutmobile

Gunbuster if I am not mistaken. The old one/original of course.

I did a google search for “Old School Anime Ships” and got a couple hits I recognized.

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i fucking love the brunehild, yeah

this was originally also going to be a thread about cool and relatively practical spaceship designs in anime but i got distracted

the valkyrie fighters from logh, with a small cockpit and two long thrusters attached to it by gyros, allowing them to freely rotate in 3d space, with laser guns attached, is the kind of thing that i’m obsessed with

OK I did it I found a mech holding a gigantic shopping basket