What're you readin'

Just finished reading The Universe Replied, a series of interviews with and about Los Campesinos! published last year to commemorate the 10th anniversary of Romance is Boring. The most striking thing was specific references to message boards, MSN messenger, etc. that show the band were internet-dwelling but not yet wholly online.

I’m giddy with excitement about Analyzing Freud, an epistolary account of H.D.'s time as his patient in the 30s that’s nearly 600 pages of letters and footnotes.

Somehow, H.D.'s séance with Freud was the point of transition, the funnel into which her memories of the past and associations of the present poured and out of which she emerged reborn. But how? This is a great enigma. Though it bored him, Freud needed and demanded loyalty from his associates and analysands. H.D. was a quietly defiant sort of woman, not well suited to the sort of dire mastery and discipleship de rigueur in psychoanalytic circles. At nearly six feet, she towered above him, and for all her adulation of “papa” she understood their profound differences and left his aegis even more certain of her rightness than when she arrived.