What is your favorite controller?

I love how that looks. Beautiful

Both this guy (in Famicom and NES flavors) and their SNES replica are on Massdrop for under $30, if anyoneā€™s looking for them now.


Nice, didnā€™t know they did a SuFami one. Hereā€™s hoping for a Sega-styled option in the future.


Seems to be the best clone out there.

Oh, that same site has a review of that tiny one I have: http://muchreviews.com/index.php/8bitdo-zero-game-pad/

somebody stop me from buying this

alternately, the yeerk. donā€™t ask me why, but iā€™ve suddenly lost interest in everything else.


instead, you should buy a pair of 18" boltcutters so youā€™ll never have to pay rent again.

i donā€™t pay rent but i suppose i could break into my neighbors sheds and sell the lawn tools

edit: thinking about my disgust for lawn tools at great length now


i can never forgive this controller for those triggers. my index fingers may literally be permafucked from this and other overly stiff, springy triggers

too risky

the xbox elite controller is really great. I would never buy one even if I had an xbone, but that thing is slick.

saturn pad because of course saturn pad

NGPC click stick is fantastic

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I think I got this joke, spinach.

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Shit, Iā€™m sorry I was away for so long, cuz I could have warned you folks about the 8bitdo controllers. Basically, donā€™t bother. Why? Cuzā€¦

ā€¦ I had the OG Famicom styled one once and its battery lasted less then 6 months.

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Damn, thatā€™s a bit of a bummer to hear. Seems like the battery isnā€™t too much of a pain to replace though, looking at the comments, so I guess Iā€™ll just have to see how I fare.

Iā€™ve never been so disappointed that something was gameport rather than USB.

I love that it comes with a mini version for your doll to play with.

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all is not lost


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Oh no way! Last time I looked these up they were either the Microsoft Sidewinder specific dongles, or really complicated looking home made things that involved fancy circuit board assembly.

Man, I really want to try this thing:

Before mouse and keyboard became the default it was considered the best way to control characters in 3D space. Itā€™s a ā€œsix degrees of freedomā€ input device, which means that it makes youā€™re basically treating your player character as an orb and smoothly turning them in any direction you like. I never made the transition to FPSā€™s, but maybe one of these would feel more natural to me than twin stick or WSD strafing. At the very least, it would be neat to try.

Unfortunately, playing it on a modern PC requires soldering an Arduino kit that might might not even be available anymore: