what are the best martial arts films on netflix

i’ve watched the ip man movies (easily my favorite), dragon, and CTHD. if i’ve seen anything else i don’t really remember it.

wuxia is okay but i generally prefer stuff that’s a little more grounded in contemporary history.

(i guess this is also a thread for good martial arts films in general but it’s a lot harder for me to access stuff that’s not on netflix)

Manchurian Candidate is up there. See if it’s the Sinatra version. If it is, Frank has some great aikido moves

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Kill Zone 2
Ong Bak 2


not anymore?

The marital arts selection is super sparse right now

damn. i got no netflix so i just googled a movie name + netflix and received lies. am sorry

Isn’t there some Bruce Lee?

Netflix just put up a huge swathe of old Shaw Brothers movies which, while maybe yeah they’re kind of wuxia a lot of them are really good examples of contemporary Kung-Fu flick stuff and where the genre is at today is because of them!


just Way of the Dragon

i watched the first few mins before class a few months back and iirc the dubbing was real weird and off-putting? i’ll give it another try eventually

this is the answer

maybe i should just watch every movie with donnie yen in it huh


my Flash Point review: not gay enough

I Was With a Guy for Most of the Last Five Months and Still Somehow Have So Much Internalized Homophobia That I Can Only Express Attraction to Men Ironically: The Haley Story, for the Nintendo DS

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is operation condor still up there?

This is correct

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yeah, do that, and also maybe just watch all the martial arts films on netflix? there aren’t that many of them!

I’ll skip the glut of one star movies but otherwise yeah maybe

i stopped ip man 3 partway through because it felt like a bad fanfic but i should probably at least stick with it for the fights

flash point wasn’t a martial arts film so much as a mediocre hong kong crime drama with an impressively choreographed and stupidly long fight setpiece at the end

Yeah, it’s awesome

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I probably would have skipped the crime drama if i had known, though

There’s that Daredevil stair scene.