Oh Now Everyone is recognizing Box Fox.
My local electronics store did not have a copyz
Oh Now Everyone is recognizing Box Fox.
My local electronics store did not have a copyz
I will probably buy this at some point soon. Should we make Hinge Problems the official Balan Wonderland hype zone?
I just realized that the aesthetic of that demo farm level is essentially psychedelic grocery store mural / elementary school nutritional diagram. I guess it’s untrodden territory for video games but I find it deeply unappealing.
I’m asking people to play this game and document everything. I was so upset by the demo but remain fascinated at this game’s existence.
it’s box fox’s world
you’re just fox boxed in it
Box in your world
Fox in ours
I’ll get it. Maybe a reward after I clear a couple of back projects.
When the hinge problems that covers this game drops, I’m clearing my schedule.
When Lady Rude looked at the box she stared at it for a second and no joke “Balan Wonderland” went out of her mouth.
Box in the streets, fox in the sheets
I gotta say, despite my strong dislike of the demo, I am intensely curious to hear more details about this game.
wait I never even realized that wasn’t the actual title
yeah i’ve also called it wonderland a few times, this Game really fxxxs with our brains (no, doesn’t FRY them anymore, hopefully!..) and i am so grumpy that i couldn’t buy my physical copy yet.
Thanks, Lockdown.
you’re welcome, Human!
quick, someone do a mashup of Lockdown being Box Foxed and sliding into a pit and all sonic friends celebrating like it’s Sonic 06…
excited to play this game once it’s confirmed that it will only try to harm my brain in regular videogame ways rather than by enhanced-interrogation style strobe lights. but i respect yuji naka’s desire to lean into a more abrasive, late scott walker direction with this work.
Between this and the Evergiven/Evergreen thing with that god damn ship in the Suez I feel like I’ve been ping-ponging between realities for the past week or so
I desperately need someone to make an AMV mashing up Sonic Unleashed cutscenes and “The Electrician.”
So this is on it’s way to my house now, goddammit.
i assure you that i am truly aware that this is not how it works but i can’t help but think in dull gamer nonsense logic and wonder what if the lavish square enix cutscene budget for this was still in hitman instead, lol