VR SUCKS... or does it???

I played Déraciné last night. In fact, I played the whole game through over the course of the evening, taking breaks to do other things whenever it became physically uncomfortable in the way that VR can.

The story and structure reminded me of Shadow of Destiny, only quite a bit simpler. The presentation reminded me of Demon’s Souls in places, though the direct references I caught were all to Bloodborne.

It’s almost a walking simulator, though you do have to find the right people and objects to interact with before moving on to each new scene. Although I hadn’t really thought about it much, I’d assumed that the entire game takes place inside the school building with the player being a relatively passive observer to whatever the mystery is. But there’s a little more to it than that.

This is the first time I’ve played a game with the Move controllers. I wonder whether that Exorcist game would work at least a little better with them. (I’d thought it didn’t support them but looking it up just now I think it might.)

One of the ways that Déraciné differs from Shadow of Destiny is that cats block your way instead of dogs.
