it’s in the case because it’s special
edit: yesssss it didn’t take three years like my tarot cards to find
it’s in the case because it’s special
edit: yesssss it didn’t take three years like my tarot cards to find
still need to get around to that one. people generally liked it more than Dawn, right?
it’s my favorite castlevania it’s been my favorite since it came out when everyone HATED IT
its peak cluttervania
i also still have my real copy of portrait of ruin, but i took this opportunity to install twilight menu on my 3ds
so i think i can take screenshots of dsiware games now, which means i can cover them on my blog
a no magic Daggerfall run
a linguist Daggerfall run
Portrait is the weakest DS vania so it’s still the third best metroidvania metroidvania after the other two DS 'vanias, IMO.
Portrait of Ruin has a lot of cool ideas. Its potential is probably my favorite thing about it.
the mission in AC Brotherhood where they tell you right at the start “the secret 100% condition in this level is don’t step in water” and then an hour later they troll you by hitting you with a timer and basically requiring you to swim through water in order to save your bro from getting murdered
the music in portrait of ruin FUCKING ROCKS and mashing the Charlotte Jonathan button so they shout their names over and over and over and over and over and over and over is a videogame thing I think about doing a lot
portrait is waaaay better than dawn
I love PoR, visiting pyramids in Castlevania was great and that final battle was a real « whaaaaat?!?!? » moment at the time
It has the best extra modes, including being able to play as one of the very weak axe throwing armor enemies, if you kill 1000 of them in the game
tbh more and more when I think about the portable castlevanias I wish they’d just ported symphony to the GBA in 2005 or something and gotten it over with
My family’s first game console was an NES; it was a gift my sister received for a birthday/Christmas or something, I have no recollection. I think it was a very early example of her lifelong need to keep up with the Joneses. But that’s a whole other thing.
I wound up being the one with the most enthusiasm for video games so the NES just sort of became mine, along with all the games, which quickly became one of my go-to things to ask for as a birthday/holiday gift. I have a clear memory of my mom giving into my wheedling one year and giving me a copy of Dr. Mario a few days early before my birthday.
One game was an exception, and it’s a thing I think about a lot in that “How well do we ever truly know our parents, especially when we’re children?” kind of way. About 45 years old in the late 80s and to my knowledge never having really played video games before, how did my father know about (and feel compelled to purchase) The Legend of Zelda? Did he read about it somewhere? He was never really a magazine guy. Maybe he saw it in a catalog?
That game was definitely his, like he even kept the cartridge separate from the rest of our collection in the early days. I remember retrieving it from his nightstand once, when I said I wanted to play it. I messed up the cartridge save procedure and accidentally erased his progress. I don’t recall him playing a video game ever again, after that. My mother doesn’t really remember, and neither does my sister. Albert took this one to the grave with him.
honestly prefer the movement of the GBA/DS Metroid and Castlevanias tuned for the screen scale but also generally vs their console counterparts
I guess I should play the Dimps Sonic games
they are good and very fast. also the boss theme in sonic rush uses a sample from a malcolm x speech (maybe it’s just the final boss theme?)
wouldn’t be the first time Naganuma sampled American civil rights leaders’ speeches
Leigh Alexander’s GTA V review but specifically in the form of this song
A legit bop
I’m imagining SotN’s soundtrack on the GBA rn and feeling really skeptical of this assertion.