Maybe youtube’s preeminent Duke Nukem shitposter would come in within (crowdfunded) budget
new videogame thing i think about a lot
don’t come
i love these kinds of videos because they are unironically a good source of samples to use in my own music
that’s what I was thinking!! would love l hear these AM2 Sega sounds in more songs some day. I swear the Death Grips song Spikes has samples like Mortal Kombat for some of its percussion. Love it!
If ‘paramecium’ is Engrish for ‘paracetamol’ in this context then this is an amusing variation of I’m More Than a Headache
iirc, it’s the name of the game’s villain
Whenever I feel down I ask myself the question, who would win in a fight between me and a single-celled eukaryote? OK, too easy. How about me versus one million parameciums, arrayed against me from all directions like the Smith clones in Matrix Reloaded? And that makes me feel as proud and strong as the man in your screenshot
No can do pal
back when tumblr was getting popular there was a tumblr for every stupid goddamn thing, and i sarcastically suggested a tumblog for isolated percussion tracks from video games, but it wound up being a cool idea.
One Must Fall 2097’s readme.txt
includes this section:
Invincibility frame abuse in Flashback (which was basically prince of persia with guns)
- Landmine in front of a wall? Do a running jump over the landmine and slam violently against the wall, falling backwards onto the landmine, which explodes, and get back up no worse for wear. There’s iframes during the “slam violently against wall” animation
- Two mutants set up a pincer ambush from the left and right of the screen? Just drop between them in the center of the screen, wait a beat for them to notice you, then press spacebar to calmly draw your gun (iframe animation). They both shoot at the exact same time and die
thinking about a hypothetical person who buys a ps5 and is like “damn i gotta check how natural doctrine runs on this thing” & plays that before anything else