Video Game Youtube Channels To Watch 📺

LSI Portable Game playthrough video

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I have a channel where I do a lot of mouthbreathing over some fighting games, also occasionally some classic roguelikes, maybe largely abandoned MUDs, and GT7 at the moment:

Hm well mostly I just look at dumb stuff on YouTube but so as not to look too conspicuously like a total tool for just posting my own channel, here are some vidgame or comic channels I’m still subscribed to for some reason so I must not hate them too much:

^ Pretty much dead now but his voiced-over play-throughs of fighting games some years back are classics, he’s pretty much everything I would like to be and am not in terms of how to talk through a fighting game in a compelling way, and without having to stick your stupid face over the screen.

^ Plays a lot of classic or classic-style roguelikes; good voiceover and doesn’t stick his face on the screen. ^ _^

^ Comic book people interviews.

I can’t really watch fighting game videos anymore because I sometimes get photosensitivity issues and most fighting games are too darn flashy, but I guess I’ve kept these subscriptions because they’re pure Japanese arcade channels and I think that’s cool:

Oh okay GAME-NEWTON already got posted in this very thread ( Video Game Youtube Channels To Watch 📺 - #159 by Titus ) but I still got Game Center Ekuru in Hyogo, Japan:


Hell yeah, love those guys for holding KOF98 weeklies

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This was also a helpful reminder that my 2012 7DRL game is actually no longer available anywhere


Figured out a hack around the stupid YouTube problem where thumbnails for playlists on the channel’s front page are always just the first video in the playlist, rather than the one the channel author set as “use this video for the playlist thumbnail”:

  1. Edit the playlist and set your desired thumbnail
  2. Edit the first video in the playlist and remove it from the list
    – NOW the channel’s front page shows the desired thumbnail. You can add back the removed video and your desired thumbnail remains showing.

– OH except if the video is like number 100 or higher in the playlist the playlist’s thumb will just revert to the first video’s thumbnail, that’s a separate bug I haven’t found a workaround for yet ugh. (You can’t move the desired video to the top, set it as thumb, then move it back, that bug is too smart for that and will just reset the list’s thumb to the current top one. = p)

– Guhhh also there’s another bug where once a video has been published or something, whatever thumbnail the video had at that time will forevermore be the thumbnail that shows up for it in a playlist–even if you’ve given the video a completely new thumbnail and have added it to a completely new playlist! ; P


Newest video is a banger, but the whole channel rules:

I don’t know if they’ll make another one (I hope so!) but I watched this Korean Indie Game showcase (english subtitled) a while ago and it’s been on my mind as the only time I’ve seen one of these things executed in an actually interesting way.

The thing I really appreciate is that it’s a bunch of people, who know each other from a regular korean indie game meet-up, speaking relatively candidly at length about their thoughts and ideas and inspirations and sometimes the commercial reality behind making their games. Unsouled dev says he regrets including “Soul” in the name because of gamers’ assumptions & talks about being mostly inspired by Onimusha. Lead designer of a puzzle game talks about how changing the art style was a prerequisite for a publisher picking it up and his internal struggle over it.

I think it highlights the strength of independent stuff in terms of like, you can sense everybody is collaborating to some degree, but also being pushed/pulled by different impulses and interests. And their openness combined with footage of their games draws a clearer line between the people involved and the art itself.

I wish more people would try out different formats for these things. Doesn’t have to be this exactly. But almost every “indie showcase” or “cuddly games direct” or whatever just replicates the nintendo, e3, etc. format of narrated trailer slideshow. Which, to my mind, misses the advantages of independent work and the disadvantages of ‘trailers’ being slanted towards certain types of games, capital, etc.


Its not just the showcases that are aping nintendo and other AAA games imo and it’s a real shame


I feel like this may have been posted here at some point but this video/channel is a really interesting look into an older gamer recounting how they got into games late in life. Super into niche JRPGs like Hyperdimension Neptunia and the Atelier series and their approach to critique and thinking about games isn’t quite like anything I’ve seen. It’s like she’s been a massive weeb (no bad thing) all her life but never found the route to expressing it until now. Really touching story and interesting to begin with PS3 and resonate with less mainstream stuff right off the bat.


i think it’s at least some bad thing


its not


the weebs i can get on with are invariably the ones who’ve been over there long enough to know if the lifestyle is really for them or not

If you’re interested in the mostly untapped world of visual novels, dating sims, and eroge released on Japanese home computers, I highly recommend:

You may have heard of her in the past few weeks as she has been struggling to keep her videos up facing YouTube age restriction and demonetization.

The Pia Carrot, Doukyuusei, and Kanon videos are all really good starting points. I also recommend yesterday’s Possessioner reupload as it addresses the fetishization of Japanese home computer pixel art by westerners while simultaneously dismissing entire game catalogs on the basis that it’s just frivolous porn.

(I found it to be quite relatable as a lot of the WonderSwan’s bad reputation comes from people who have never experienced a bulk of the platform’s catalog and are either parroting what had been told to them or is limited in scope to the games that are easily playable without knowing Japanese.)


Good story about a really unusual FGC tournament location and the nature of nostalgia by Melee player Sp1nda. Seems like her channel is diversifying into more feature content like this.


Fun travelogue about the Pakistani Tekken scene


I like this guy’s commentary, it’s informative while feeling completely natural:

For instance

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football manager is one of my favorite strategy games. i haven’t played it in a while because 1) it’s a hassle to actually buy the game where i’m from and 2) it consumes too much free time but i always enjoy watching good players do their thing.

this youtuber streams his journey with a chosen league somewhere. this year he’s playing with a semi-pro team in the middle of nowhere in england. v entertaining to watch the abridged videos

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