Video Game Youtube Channels To Watch 📺

very interesting compilation series of a GTA online server that was populated by basically all of the biggest videogame streamers in japan for a couple weeks some months ago.

the server itself was run by a company that’s famous for doing services (ad videos, merch) for these streamers and another group that’s become famous for organizing tournaments of various games. it was a very loose roleplay server with the streamers getting into jobs (woodcutter, medic, mechanic, cat-café maid) and factions (gangs, the police).

the person who editted this series has done a great job sewing a real, coherent narrative out of the hundreds of hours between all the people who participated so even if you dont know any of the streamers it can still be entertaining.

even if the videos weren’t as good, the concept of this type of server is just sooo interesting to me. obviously its not like, a visionary idea or anything – if i knew anything about EVE online, roblox or other online games like it it wouldn’t feel this novel to me. im sure, though, that this specific type of stuff will be crazy popular among anglophone streamers in a couple months/years

not only do i want to watch more of this type of thing, but im also craving for this roleplay-ey, MMO experience. maybe i should try FFXIV or VRChat one of these days . . .