Video Game Youtube Channels To Watch đź“ş

Figured out a hack around the stupid YouTube problem where thumbnails for playlists on the channel’s front page are always just the first video in the playlist, rather than the one the channel author set as “use this video for the playlist thumbnail”:

  1. Edit the playlist and set your desired thumbnail
  2. Edit the first video in the playlist and remove it from the list
    – NOW the channel’s front page shows the desired thumbnail. You can add back the removed video and your desired thumbnail remains showing.

– OH except if the video is like number 100 or higher in the playlist the playlist’s thumb will just revert to the first video’s thumbnail, that’s a separate bug I haven’t found a workaround for yet ugh. (You can’t move the desired video to the top, set it as thumb, then move it back, that bug is too smart for that and will just reset the list’s thumb to the current top one. = p)

– Guhhh also there’s another bug where once a video has been published or something, whatever thumbnail the video had at that time will forevermore be the thumbnail that shows up for it in a playlist–even if you’ve given the video a completely new thumbnail and have added it to a completely new playlist! ; P