A little more than 20 years ago, I started playing Final Fantasy XI. This was my second attempt at playing an MMO after Dark Age of Camelot, and it would soon be followed by the very unsuccessful The Sims Online. In all three games, I hated how long it took you to achieve progress. I just wanted to play a “regular” RPG with other players, rather than have the regular RPG format warped to require that other players assist you. For this perceived flaw, I swore off the entire MMO category.
I spent most of January 1st jumping through the hoops to set up my service account, wandering through years-out-of-date text and video guides for how to improve the visuals and performance, modifying configuration files, tweaking interface behavior and keybinds, and finally creating a character and playing for barely an hour.
My character Terica is on the Asura server. I’m playing one of those long-armed elfs, and I started in Windurst in defiance of my racial bonus and vaguest memories of playing in Bastok. Over the past couple of days, I’ve leveled warrior up to 19, gained access to support jobs, leveled red mage up to 8, picked up trust characters in Windurst and San’doria, started the Echoes of Vana’diel quest, and dropped untold scores of crystals I couldn’t carry in my tiny, tiny inventory.
Maybe I never noticed this since I was playing in Bastok originally, but wow, the FFXI races have a LOT goofier dialects than in XIV. They’ve also eased up the death penalty since you no longer lose XP below level 30. I’ve allowed myself to die to teleport back to my home point on more than one occasion, just to save the 100 gil teleport fee.