Unaltered adult Rene

Haven’t seen anyone else point this bit out. That definitely spells BOOB, those two character types talk with an abundances of B’s and O’s respectively.

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Yeah, idk. Raz is super cute and as much as I want to like Susie, she’s too like, actual mean.

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Ralsei is the child who has trouble socializing with kids their age, but always wants to Follow The Rules, Be Good, and please the adults in their life. I was totally that kind of kid before I discovered art and drugs, so I like him a lot and can relate in a big way.


i like mean girls sorry


Yeah but she’s actually mean unlike someone like me who’s mean in a cute way.


well i think that’s why i like her character arc. she’s a genuine bully and overall bad person who ends up being mean but…not terrible about it. and it’s obvious it comes from her insecurities and loneliness so like…it feels like a natural progression.

this is telling more about me than the story though, i was always trying to be friends with the bullies when i was in school. and sometimes it worked!!! and then they would calm down and stop bullying other kids because dang they just needed a friend!!!

but yeah i could see her as being too mean. she definitely makes some major mistakes.

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Some thoughts Toby Fox tweeted today about the game:



I need to know how much of “Beginning”'s resemblance to “Homestuck Anthem” is intentional

holy chips i can’t believe im so late to realizing that a sequel to Undertale came out and it has multiple party members and one of them is basically a cate wurtz character christmas came early this year fam


The more I think about it, was the secret superboss a riff on Culex?

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I liked this a lot.

That creepy bunker at the bottom of town freaks me the hell out!


"Deltarune is a sequel to Undertale in the sense that it comes after Undertale in the actual release of the actual video game. Us, as the players, bring all of the knowledge of Undertale with us into Deltarune. "

Neat take from a reddit thread. https://www.reddit.com/r/Games/comments/9tc9i6/undertaledelta_rune_spoilersnow_that_chapter_one/e8viax8/

that sort of reinforces the stereotype of Toby Fox fans as people who have baffling expectations of having every thematic element of a work made as utterly literal as possible

like it’s cool that they’re getting their minds around that but for the life of me I can’t understand how people are having their brains utterly blown by comparative literature 101 and gender studies 101 like they have no prior intuitive connection to these concepts


Is that a stereotype that exists separate from reddit/gamers in general


that’s a fair point, I think to the extent that it’s different for these games it’s definitely made more positive and more empathetic, which is why I don’t want to be too critical, it just irks when it seems like the conclusion from a lot of this is “oh it turns out people just wanted you to make this as aggressively sweet and simple as possible” and it’s always held up as new wisdom

always makes me think of this

I can’t tell you how annoyed I was at that Shadow of War has a reputation as ‘much less true to canon’ when it’s finally thematically true to the world; the first game, as the first half of a revenge story, ends with, ‘revenge is cool, yah?’. And you get a second half and it’s all Doom Foretold and it literally ends with the the hero given blood-red evil eyes and people still think he’s the good guy and the inventions of the game are travesties next to the actual meaning of all the stories finally taking place in the correct moral universe. Nobody even got to the point I hoped I would see: sure, the theme is finally telling me this is wrong, but it feels so good; is it possible to model mind control and slavery under conditions most audience members assume are justified and then later tell them, no of course not? Austin Walker got closest but he didn’t trust the game and I don’t blame him. Nobody else could see beyond base plot.

Plot, really?

We don’t train people to think about meaning, and the internet and its focus on tangible details and puzzlebox mysteries has only decreased the narrative literacy of folks.


idg why this takeaway has to be framed as “ugh these rubes are just now getting this??” as opposed to appreciating whatever Deltarune is doing to get these folks to engage on a more than surface level


well obviously I wasn’t trying to sound that dismissive, it’s just that if, like, the idea of separating a narrative canon from an author’s chronology is that novel, I feel like the discussion around works like this is going to be more impoverished than they deserve, especially as Toby Fox is imo a pretty good game designer and composer, it’s just that I have him even with like Jonathan Blow as a writer

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