Two years of indifference + and this is what we deserve

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How can you say that when the list of journalists, developers, personalities and even just people who love videogames that have left the community over harassment and anti-intellectualism gets longer and longer every month?

Saying that GamerGate hasn’t had an effect on the culture and industry at large is awful - it’s destroyed the lives of people involved on both sides and possibly forever marked the culture as damned.


It was in an episode of Law & Order so it’s pretty big alright

“But now that GamerGate has shattered public perception of gaming in academia”

Do these scientists get SMS alerts of Adam Baldwin tweets?

That is, have they encountered real Gamergate-in-the-wild, or did they hear about GG from a New York Times article?

Publicity’s only achievements, as the sole tactic of countering harassment, have been the entrenching of viewpoints from people within, providing Hell Terror Viewpoint (deservedly or not) to those without, and best of all, the establishment of a video game pundit class.

Maybe many concerned moms read some articles and stopped their teenboys from becoming Gators? “You’d better not be Gamergating on that computer up there!” No sarcasm, that would be a silver lining I guess, otherwise this is all fully pointless, not just largely pointless.

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I think the fact that it’s affected archivism is a hugely negative one, because the concept of archiving comes up on Select Button (dot) net fairly frequently.

also I can’t remember who but man I want to buy a cake for the lady who was telling dudes moms on them on the internet


“Good[insert system here]-fullset-v3-xx.torrent”

Yeah, this came up a long while back. The archiving/academia thing, I mean. I think I was hearing it as early as that fall.

True. The pirate community has been doing most of the work already for video game archivists so far.

However a fully stocked video game archive in a university library is a beautiful thing.

A museum down the road has some of the landfill E.T. carts and boxes in storage. Someone has to sign off on purchases like that.


i don’t even know that it’s indifference. Like, what do you do about an internet-based hate group that has turned goalpost-changing into a sport of its own. it’s like a thick noxious cloud, once it’s around all you can do is turn on a fan and hold your nose until it blows away.

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Looking around today, it seems inevitable that violent reactionaries are going to show up and shit on any worthwhile pursuit; games were just somewhat early to the party. At least no one got murdered?

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what pirates do != what archivists do. this is not hard to understand

archivists acquire the same content, yes, but their job is categorization and contextualization with the history of the medium, not just ‘here’s a bunch of roms guys lol’

gg itself has been dying off because it’s been showing itself to be one part of a much larger trend of growth of angry right wing politics on the internet, fueled by indifferent social media outfits, making it hard for anyone to actually do anything about it


Well its not so much dying off as fading back into the crowd. it was already in itself a weird amalgam of pissy right wingers pretending to come together under the banner of effics in gamez jurnalizm

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Ehh true, i think its a little from column A, a little from column B, though. the pissy gamers were clearly already predisposed to be garbage jerks and the fact that rightist buttmunches who previously showed no interest in games like Milo Yeahnnolpulpuss honed in on the “”“movement”"" says a lot to me.

To be fair, for a decent amount of people that might be an age thing

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