Twenty Nineteen

DMC5 restored my hope in video games from major companies.


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Right now it’s sitting at:

Baba Is You

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Baba and Sekiro are straight at the top right now.

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4 me:

Resident Evil 2
Crackdown 3

My list for this favorite stuff I played this year is half stuff that didn’t come out this year, but:

Kingdom Hearts 3
Ketsui Deathtiny (the greatest title)

I was so ready to finally check out out Baba Is You. But I’m feeling piper pied to Supraland…

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Hypnospace Outlaw really deserves a mention in here. I already know it’ll be in my top games of the year. I’ve never played anything like it.


dmc5 turned out that well? interesting

it’s both kind of unremarkable and close to perfect

Deliciously Masterful Cheesecake V

Capcom’s most impressive use of the newer tech yet, very easy to mash for glory then climb the skill ladder if you want, crazy modes/play available for those seeking ‘em.

Plot and level design are both extremely serviceable just to get the franchise Back to Formula, referencing and wrapping up as much as possible. Still completely welcoming to the non-familiar, somehow.

Right now that or Sekiro for me though the latter was muuuuch more engaging.

Yes, actually this. It is exactly what a game called DMC5 should be, based on DMC3 and 4, and kinda just an assertion from Capcom that “yeah, we can still do this shit the way it should be” and not trying for much past that (in a good way).

The strongest criticism I can give to DMC5 is the stages not having much identity of their own. I can remember a few spots fairly vividly from DMC3 and DMC4 but I’m only a month out of DMC5 and I can barely tell you of any super stand out stage moments except for maybe Nero’s platformer section towards the end.


  1. total war rotk
  2. pathologic 2
  3. krz finale (when???)
  4. disco elysium
  5. noita
  6. ufo 50
  7. control

man i gotta play some stuff

i almost actually did only play monster hunter and dragon quest last year


Don’t you leave FF XIV just to me, dammit.

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right yeah that’s the other problem is i keep playing that for four hours a day

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Obduction free from GOG today

That’s on top of all the many other games that have been given away in the past few months

And in the past two weeks alone we’ve got Three Kingdoms, Pathologic, and Outer Wilds

this is shaping up to be a ridiculously good year, 2015 uih

at the turn:

  1. Baba
  2. Outer Wilds
  3. Devotion
  4. Three Kingdoms
  5. Kombat
  6. Astrologaster
  7. Ace Combat
  8. Supraland
  9. Pathologic
  10. DMC/RE2

ridiculously strong year so far


Should’ve posted that list yesterday because Cadence of Hyrule came out today

(I haven’t even had time to play it yet but I’d be surprised to be disappointed)

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