oh dear
This game doesn’t even have to play all that well just let me poke around in low-poly Penguin Village diorama yes yes yes.
It’s really small too like 18MBs
how lovely
I hope it’s more on the Ape Escape branch of the family and less the Spyro side; when I see really nicely-rendered PSX rocks I get a little nervous it’s too safe
I still can’t adapt to a world where fan translations create trailers and use official branding and then ask for donations. They’re trying to sell me on a game like a marketing firm and not like a friend or fan
to be fair this in particular should be a more widespread thing to support time-intensive difficult artistically significant projects without any institutional or industrial support, but gamers are terrifying socially invasive entitled jerks even aside from legal questions and judging from the kinds of abuse aeon genesis has gotten in the past while doing it for free i’m not surprised that most people don’t want to risk it
I agree totally. It’s the packaging of the pitch that twinges me rather than the ability of people doing socially positive work to be supported by the community (and fan translations make the world better). And that’s uncomfortably close to saying, “this better be free” or “how dare they play around with copyright”, when what I want to say is, I wish you didn’t have to pretend you were selling someone else’s game in order to drum up support.
hello, it is now possible to play one of my favorite games in english in its original form.
major major major content warning for suicide, self harm, gun violence, quite a lot of other things.
i am elated about this.
(it’s worth noting that, while it is fully playable, there are still quite a few bugs in this initial build, and the translation is pretty rough, often awkward/inaccurate and very much in-progress. it is substantially better than the previous version, but you might want to wait a while to play if you want a flawless experience.)
couple of interesting releases
well ok
the only emulator I’ve found that doesn’t cause game-breaking problems is XEBRA
ok you drive a hard bargain but i’ll take it.
an english patch for mizzurna falls came out in 2019, but seems to have been deleted from romhacking.net at some point
as a followup, somewhat against my better judgment i’ve gotten involved in editing and revising the english script for this game. there are others working on retranslating certain portions from scratch, and this will likely be a long process, but hopefully there will be a series of intermediary builds with a progressively more readable, less garbled and wooden script over the next month.
Good luck! I didn’t see the original script so I can only imagine!
it’s honestly one of the weirdest translations i’ve ever seen. it’s a really upsetting game to begin with, and the first time i played it with the old asset dump site the weird syntax of the translation gave me dissociative episodes (in ways that tbh felt resonant with the game itself, though it still isn’t acceptable). and aside from the wooden/garbled prose style many lines are just omitted entirely or translated completely wrong in confusing ways, which is causing synchronicity issues as i edit and revise the current script and others go back and retranslate the source text. it’s coming along though, and at least my work is useful to cross-reference again and establish style guidelines so long as there’s semantic consensus…
this seems interesting . . . heard about from this article
wow, what unique use of colour!