Translations and ROMhacks II


i think it might be true if you stick to the genres that were popular on the snes and mega drive.

but like … 20 games better than Dungeon Master? 20 games better than Sensible Soccer? 20 games better than whatever flight sim people liked? 20 games better than Lemmings? 20 games better than whatever genre your favourite Jeff Minter, Geoff Crammond, Mike Singleton game is in?

my knowledge of 16-bit consoles is pretty terrible but it’s more like there aren’t 20 games in those genres on the SNES/Mega Drive (??) (or even on the Amiga ??)

Very selfishly, i would like to see a list of the 20 games which are better than the Amiga conversion of Rodland, but it’s not clear to me what genre that is in.