the (war)craft

I’m pretty sure nature can kill shit faster than I can

maybe the true druidic way is Rejuvenation and then Barkskin and then repeating the mantra, “Nature will take its course”

yes, I wasn’t killing slow enough already, let me throw on thorns and spam rejuvs for 3 minutes while a thing dies hitting me

oh wait, a caster mob

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the more I play classic, I’ve found that 15 years on, I’m much better at WoW but my body can’t keep up

how much longer until the jewel in my palm goes off


I’ve been really tired after work recently so I was thinking of re-subbing and trying FF14 again and working my way out of A Realm Reborn because I’m curious why everyone praises the expansions’ stories so much. I found FF14’s story to be real boring as far as I got in ARR but I can watch some TV at the same time and try to get to the good stuff.

But with WoW Classic being the new hotness and me never having played WoW I thought maybe I should go ahead and try that instead. So I had to sub a month for $15 and get the client and try to join the server other people are on. But it’s full. And the queue time just keeps going up instead of down. So now I need something to do while waiting for my WoW queue.

Ah, well.

The Drem life:

Edit 2:


If you wanna play with your main man Cuba roll on Pagle

level 50 in classic wow…

it’s kind of shocking how much better this is than current wow for absolutely everyone that isn’t a top 1% raider. i’m raid focused and I’d still much rather play classic. it’s an rpg. the raids are going to be piss easy once you actually get everyone and everything together properly, but isn’t that kind of the point? it’s about investment and sense of place and collaboration. the game feels positively titanic in comparison to modern wow, despite modern wow containing all the territory of this game and many expansions on top of it. modern wow…is it even a video game? what the fuck is it? I don’t know anymore. it’s a complete nonsense experience. hitting your buttons in it is a lot more involved than classic, so it has that going for it, but if that is 100% of what you enjoy about world of warcraft, you really should just play a video game with good mechanics, yeah?


so I’m only 34 thus far (been slacking off but I kinda enjoy just taking it easy after repeccing to bear druid and just logging in and doing a dungeon run or two and feeling satisfied because now they aren’t 20-30 minute aoe fests) (I say this as if the bear threat rotation isn’t spamming swipe a ton), but yeah, Classic is great because Blizzard let the game be ugly and broken again. there’s a lot of shit that’s not super clear, fleshed out and “bring the player”-esque levels of balanced but the world feels bigger (partly because you have to continually bounce back and forth to level whereas expansions had focused paths, partly because you spend 30-40 or more levels walking your dumb ass everywhere), and, due in part because servers are fresh, the world feels alive instead of everyone hanging out in cities and spamming trade chat.

I’m almost certain I won’t play past this first month and maybe pop back in for BC an Wrath but it’s great to see that Blizzard can create communities again (and maybe hoping they hold off on stuff like battlegroups and crossrealm LFD and shit)

I’ve never played WoW. Watching people play classic on Twitch, my main impressions are: A) the world feels surprisingly huge, B) the combat is surprisingly vapid.

I didn’t play WoW at the time in part because I was worried about getting addicted like I heard people did, but I think the tediousness on the moment-by-moment level might’ve gotten me to quit soon enough even at the time. And I also find it hard to understand why people are excited to go through that again in 2019. Diablo combat is already too simple and repetitive to keep me compelled for more than 10 hours, and WoW classic is much more basic than even that. There’s little uncontrolled aggro or interesting enemy groupings, spells go right through terrain, and most people seem to only use one skill.

yeah I made it about two hours in when all my friends were obsessed, oh well, not for me

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i vaguely remember having a lot of fun with the 5-15 player endgame dungeons in wow & that’s where the combat and dungeon design gets like, marginally more complex but even then i still struggle to understand why/how i played it back in 04, all mmorpgs have limp frictionless combat innit

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endgame and PvP

vanilla WoW gets a lot of goodwill because people got into huge organic skirmishes and they think of them wistfully. the fact that a group of crazies cleared all available raid content in 5 days speaks to the relatively primative nature of vanilla encounter design compared to the crazier stuff in BC and Wrath, the two most comparable expansions

hell yeah there totally is, PB and PBBG both have the hit clash mechanics from 120%


jesus christ man

My friends who halfheartedly kept up with retail (I stopped in Burning Crusade and never looked back) say that now everyone has the same size mana pool? And every skill is proc based? I was like, what do you even do in the game? They couldn’t say, really. We need an sber to really do a deep dive into how 15 years of layered gamecruft coupled with Blizzard’s psychotic drive to shave off every edge and make every experience a well-lubricated gameslide has produced this epistemological disasterpiece


I am literally on record saying all the ways WoW is a bad game but this is one criticism that doesn’t apply. It really is quite a complex game and every class has a pretty bewildering array of skills and options. It can also be extremely hectic with very tight timings to survive during certain pulls.

The thing is that it never makes you push yourself so if you want you can play just by clicking the one button over and over again. You can always overlevel or outgear with enough playtime.

People who get into bad situations in the questing/leveling game (i.e. outside of instanced dungeons) just die and shrug and say “well what was I supposed to do.” The thing is, if you fully exploit every ability your character has and keep good situational awareness you can survive some really wild shit.

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Man, imagine working on WoW for 15 years and now everybody ditches it to play the same game but without all the changes you brought


Ugh, fine


Imagine if Street Fighter II had been released on an online-enabled platform and Capcom had been able to patch out combos and crossups


That is an incredibly good analogy

does wow classic have all the new areas they’ve added over time but you get to play it the old way or is there a specific point in the timeline where the game stopped being wow classic and became new wow that it ends at?

The latter. Each expansion adds physical space to the world, classic does not have those spaces. These are discrete expansion packs you would pay dollars for, like map packs for Quake or whatever.